how much gun control do you want?

I will probably be called an anti for this but here is what I want for gun control.

Make full autos as easy to get as normal guns.

Make the hand gun age 18.

I favor the instant back round check...just show the ID they make the call and that is it though. (Get rid of the 4473)

Don't make an ffl a requirement when ordering online.

Keep every thing else as is.

Am I an anti to you guys or not?


And how much "control" do you want


I want great gun control:

Control and have have fully auto's.

Control and have silencers.

Control and have short rifles.

Control and have short shotguns.

Control and have "AOW's".

All without the control of the government over them or my having them. In anyway.


Baba Louie

New member
And how much "control" do you want
How much "control" is needed? By governing agencies?
Maybe mandatory teaching of firearm safety in the public schools would be a good place to begin. (I can see mommies all over the country having a cow if this were ever seriously proposed) Followed by a history of firearms in our nation's formation and politics up to and through today, with an emphasis on gun control/people control in the past century.

Perchance we could go back to an actual "Militia" requirement where every member serves for a 2 year period with proper training and ala the Swiss, is required to keep their (gov't supplied) weapon and adequate ammunition at home.

Where Schutzenfests are the norm and are eagerly awaited with excellance being every youngsters (and oldster too) desire and goal. Please check out the link...

Where "Gun Control" means hitting your target each and every time when on the line, safe firearm handling procedures at all other times and those who fear guns are few and far in between and have national (mental) health care counseling provided to ease their pain and suffering.

Well, a guy can dream...

But being older than a lot here, I do remember gazing fondly through the old Sears & Roebuck, Montgomery Ward and JC Penney's catalogs at all the firearms you could order and have delivered to your home via postal or private carrier.


New member
My latest idea is to have prospective gun owners aquire a certification which allows their background (criminal record and mental health) to be verified. This could be updated at intervals. Then they owner should be able to buy the weapons they want (with no records). If the owner is "safe" then the number or type of weapons is irrelevant.


Just to play devils advocate here:

and mental health

What "mental health" would you disqualify?

This is something that I heard on the radio, and I'll paraphrase because I don't remember the entire transcript:

"With the new DSM (that is the book that shrinks use), over 46% of the population could be diagnosed with some form of mental illness".

That's almost half of the population (I don't remember if they were talking world or just America). Which "half" of the population would you consider the only ones to have guns? You do realize that the pols would take this to mean that only they should have guns don't you (LEO's and Military ONLY while on duty and they don't even like that)?



New member
Drop all ages to 18.
Reopen MG registration.
Remove SBR & Silencers from NFA, no real sense keeping SBR's there while we can buy handguns, OTC silencers would be nice to keep me from losing my hearing.
Make a C&R type license that you can buy any weapon on.


New member
Well I dont think the individual states should have any right to alter the federal law in a way that adds more control.

Just because someone lives in cali and I live in Florida doesnt that person less American than me..

All forms of registration should be history.

Background checks i'm okay with. But I dont think they should keep track of who has had a background check and who has not. (Back door registration, doesnt exactly register you to a certain gun, but it does register you as a firearm owner)

The only type of firearm I see a problem with is a firearm capable of launching grenades or other explosives. (make me an anti?)

Sir William

New member
Some call me liberal. I believe there should be as much restricted in purchasing firearms as there is in buying tires. IOWs, a federal excise tax and unlimited freedom to purchase. No restrictions.


New member
Yeah agree with sir wiliam..

Government should have no control over firearms.

But the thought of some random person owning a grenade launcher is spooky


New member
I believe in slings for long arms and the use of the modified Weaver stance for pistols. Using good multi point support is the essence of gun control. :cool:

For SMGs I think the best control is to limit bursts to 2-3 rounds. I have little use for guns with a cyclic rate over about 600 rounds per minute as they are harder to control unless you have a compensator, then it hurts your ears even through ear muff protectors.

To control the sound I am a firm believer in wearing muffs and plugs together. Even so, standing next to some nimrod with a Mini Uzi going 1200 RPM with its compensator blowing fire at you and it spouting brass isn't much fun, expecially if you're wearing an open collar. :mad:

Marko Kloos

New member
I find myself in the same camp as L. Neil Smith.

Ideally, I'd like to live in a country where every man, woman, and responsible child can obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon -- handgun, shotgun, rifle, machinegun -- any time, anywhere, without asking anyone's permission.


New member
:eek: Silly me! You mean gun control like in legal controls?

How about nullifying the principle of duty to retreat, locking up violent criminals, reinstating the big, quiet, walled mental asylum villages of the 50's, allowing gun dealers to decide who they will sell to and who they won't, and do away with trying to control traffic in inanimate objects? If you provide enough jails for the violent criminals and enough hospitals for the schizophrenics other things should work themselves out.


"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

That says it all, no mention of control of any kind in there. All I would change it it to (if I could) is this:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."


I favor the instant back round check...just show the ID they make the call and that is it though. (Get rid of the 4473)

Don't make an ffl a requirement when ordering online.
So which one do you want, a background check, or no background check? These two conflict.


New member
where criminal use of firearms is punished......instead of penalizing law abiding citizens who should be able to walk into any gunshop or store in the 50 states ot territories and possesions and buy a firearm without all the hassle.


New member
Let's talk about a mental health history requirement.

Do you want the government to have access to information about you that might include: seeing a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for marriage counseling; seeing a Lincensed Professional Counselor with your spouse for sex therapy; seeing a Psychologist for counseling because your spouse or child died; seeing a Psychiatrist for whatever reason, like a mid-life crisis, but you worked through the problem together and treatment has ended?

They're all mental health services and a great deal of them are provided to the so-called walking wounded, not the psychotic or dangerous.

So you say "Well, let's just let them look at the serious stuff." After 30+ years of reading all of these kinds of reports I can only say they'll have to read them all to tell what's serious and what isn't. You can't always tell from the codes used in the insurance billing. :)

I'm not even convinced that government access to involuntary committment histories is competely helpful. Suppose a person had an involuntary committment 20 years ago. As it stands, they're out of luck no matter how healthy and well balanced they are now. I know, we'll just screen everybody. (That reminds me...Anybody remember the scene where the psychiatrist interviewed Andy Griffith in the movie No Time for Sargeants? Andy turned that poor doc inside out with his down home simpleness.)

Bah, this is too close to talking business on a Saturday. I'm done.



New member
My gun control goal:

I'd like to be able to reliably hit a dime-sized target at all reasonable ranges with all of my guns.


New member
I'd like to be able to reliably hit a dime-sized target at all reasonable ranges with all of my guns.


This is all the gun control there should be. The criminals are still going to get guns, no matter what political controls are put in place. Our problems go to the basic level of common sense be absent in government.

i.e. There is now a push to make cruelty ot animals a felony, but assault and battery is still a misdemeanor. No I don't advocate cruelty to animals. But when a criminal uses a weapon in a violent non provoked crime he should dealt with accordingly, and not just shuffled away!

Hangings on the courthouse lawn served a purpose. It served as a visual deterent, and it was effective. I think if convicted in the murder of another where there is NO (read again, NO) room for doubt, that appeals should be limited to 2, and the penalty paid quickly, and in public.
No more of this hideing away in prison for 20 years, and then have the sentence imposed quietly away from everyone when the crime has long been forgotten.