How much do you spend on guns/shooting?


New member
Last year I bought a S&W 15-22 rifle. I bought targets, ammo (I put several thousand rounds through it, mostly cheap Federal bulk), range time, and quite a few accessories (the typical tacti-cool AR stuff).

In total, I spent about $1,350 in 2011 on guns and shooting, or about $110 a month.

So far in 2012, I've purchased 4 handguns and spent a total of $4,800 on guns and shooting. To shoot weekly, I'll need to spend another $650 this year on range time and ammo. That averages out to about $450 a month for 2012.

My goal for 2013 is to cut way back on gun purchases and limit myself to one nice new gun. I'll continue to shoot weekly and focus on shooting .22. That would still total $3,000, or $250 a month. I guess when you consider some people have cable TV bills that high, it's not so crazy, but I'm not sure my wife would be thrilled if I shared these numbers with her.

I suppose if I'm planning to spend $700 a year on centerfire ammo I could handload and save a lot in the long run, but I think I'll wait a year to see if my shooting pace keeps up.

So how about you? How much do you spend on your hobby? Is it best just not to think about it?


New member
Not much.

I long ago decided that I have enough guns. I have no intentions of buying any more guns.

I live in an area where "range fees" may be summed up as "gas money to drive the 10 miles required to put me in the middle of a few million acres of empty BLM land".

I do the vast majority of my shooting with .22 LR.

My targets are usually nothing fancier than a piece of paper with an 1" diameter spot drawn on it with a Sharpie.

Meh... I'll guess and call it $200/year.


New member
Way too much,,,

Since November of last year I've purchased:

Hi-Point 9mm Carbine,,,
Two Ruger 22/45 pistols,,,
Two Beretta NEOS Pistols,,,
One Beretta NEOS Carbine Kit,,,
One CZ-452 Special Military Trainer.

I think I averaged a bit over one gun a month for over a year.

I made a list about three years ago specifying types of guns I wanted to own,,,
The good news here is that the list of gun I wanted to buy is finished,,,
From now on I am no longer looking for more handguns to buy.

It doesn't mean I won't ever buy anything again,,,
But I'm no longer actively looking to fill a hole in my collection.

So I anticipate buying lots of ammo this year,,,
And enjoying shooting the guns that I have collected.




New member
How much do you spend on your hobby? Is it best just not to think about it?

Hehehe, yeah. Probably no more expensive than collecting classic cars would be, or taking a trip to some exotic location once or twice a year.

I really don't think about it that much, since I enjoy it so much. After all, you can't take the cash with you when you leave.


New member
I will shoot about 5,000 rounds of shotgun ammo and maybe 2,000 rounds of pistol ammo. {excluding .22, maybe a brick}
Add in sporting clays fees, 5 stand and skeet fees and a new Beretta O\U, it will be a considerable amount of money. I'm pretty much done buying guns, I have more than I need at this point.
The only way I wound consider another firearm purchase is if some killer deal comes my way or I sell something to fund another purchase. {very unlikely}
If I had kids, I would tell them, I'm spending thier inheritance. :D
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New member
I spend not enough and too much at the same time lol

I haven't hit a year of serious interest in shooting yet, right now I'm trying to refocus my money into ammo, but then this or that happens and wouldn't ya know it a new gun finds it's way into my safe.

I'm hoping after I finish this AR , I'll be able to control my handgun buying urges and not get urges to put together another AR, and focus on getting reloading equipment and ammo. I've got a big pile of brass just waiting to be reloaded, since I started collecting it a few months ago when I intended to get equipment. :D

Fortunately no more range fees for me, like InigoMontoya I'm just a hop skip and a jump from untold acres of BLM land.


New member

Last year between new guns and ammo, sigh... I stopped counting after I realized I passed the $10,000 mark. Trying to keep it ammo only this year (although I did buy a trijicon reflex). It's hard, I mean have you seen the sig P229 stainless?!?!? And I'm trying to play lawyer ball with myself by telling myself that an AR upper really isn't a gun according to the BATF :)

I partly blame TFL and their members for posting so many pics of their arsenals. :)


New member
Here is how I believe you should break down the cost of your firearms hobby.

1) How much did your gun safe/safes cost
2) How much fuel did you burn going to get guns, ammo, accessories, targets, or to get to the range
3A) How much you have spent on ammo that you have either shot or keep stashed
3B) If you reload - how much have you spent on tools, powder, bullets, etc
4) How much did you spend on cleaning products for your firearms
5) How much did you spend on your firearms
6) How much did you spend on accessories for your firearms/gun safe
7) How much did you spend at the gunsmith shop
8) If you bought an NRA membership - how much was it
9) How much did you spend on books/magazines relating to firearms

I myself would say roughly $12,000 - And I am only 20 years old.


New member
Less than I spend on food, more than I spend on clothing. On the vice spectrum (any hobby you spend money on is a vice) it's below electronics but above camping.


New member
I sure hope my wife can't tell you. More than I care to think about, but as long as the wife and I get three squares a day and we can do all the things we want to, why not?


A long time ago I figured out that, based on MSRP of guns/ammo/accessories I plan to buy, and what I currently own, I will end up spending about $1000 a year on my hobby, but sometimes the need to sieze the day and buy a cool gun in your favorite shop arises, and next thing you know, you find yourself finalizing a purchase on a new AR.


New member
If I could have an median for what I spend, I'd be much happier about it. As it stands though, I spend what I have available for it. If I want something, or want to go shooting but don't have the money, I wont. If I do, then Ill spend every dime of it if I can. The past year has been a bit rough, so not much! I think my new method of buying a gun is going to be based on whether or not I have spent the worth of the previous purchase in ammo? Example, if I buy a $500 gun I will want to spend at least $500 in ammo shooting that one before buying a new one. As much as I want to collect as many guns as possible, I need to make sure I'm enjoying the ones I have, especially with how much ammo and fuel cost these days.


New member
Been actively into guns and shooting for about 4 years so let's see

.357 magnum revolver: $375
.22lr bolt rifle: $225
12-guage shotgun: $425
Ammo, Accessories, Fees, Licenses: about $2000

So that come to about $750 per year. Still finding ways to increase my shooting practice while lowering that annual number.
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Pond James Pond

New member
Waaaaaay too much!!

Yet, I don't seem close to putting on the brakes!!:eek:
Everytime I get something I tell myself: "ok, now I've got everything I need".
2 days later I spot another nice bit of kit that I "need"....:rolleyes:

On the plus side my next expense may make life easier long term!! Some reloading gear.

Otherwise, I have found a nice equilibrium, recently: a couple of hundred .22 and a hundred or so 9mm and a handful of .38s or .44s every week to two weeks and my withdrawal symptoms are manageable!!


New member
Not much. Due to circumstances, it's tremendously inconvenient so I never go.

I went in the last month or two, but the time previous to that was easily a year or two ago.

It's such a pain to go that I'm a bit tired of guns. I wish I had more hobbies.