How much ammo do you take with you...

Marko Kloos

New member
Always seem to end up with 21-30ish rounds between the gun and its reloads. Always a backup gun with at least one reload, and a spare box of fifty rounds for the primary gun in the glove box. Always in the trunk: FR-8 carbine in 7.62x51mm with seventy-odd rounds on stripper clips.


New member
Depends, if I'm packpacking I carry one way, and if I'm driving out for a weekend shoot I take as much as the vehicle can hold.

Eric Larsen

New member
ME TOO :D Today, for work..not a weekend trip. I had 29 9mm rounds and 10 357 Mag's. You just never you?
Shoot well

Guy B. Meredith

New member
When I have a reason to carry the revolvers and ammo I feel nekkid with less than 500 or so rounds. 800-1000 is even better. As a SF Bay area resident I can only carry when going to a shoot.


New member
I agree, you would have to define what you are doing on this weekend trip. If I was going on a trip with no real intention of shooting, I might take two mags plus I always have a box of 20 in my glove box. If I was planning on spending a weekend shooting, it would probably be all the ammo I had in the calibers I was taking. If I was hunting, I would take 20 rifle rounds with a backup rifle of the same caliber and a handgun with perhaps 50 rounds. If I was going somewhere to shoot IDPA or IPSC out of town I would probably take around 500 rounds. I have gone to visit my girlfriend's sister and was told her husband like to shoot. I took a half dozen guns and several thousand rounds of ammo. We ended up getting along great, but all we did was drink a whole lot of beer and talk about shooting and hunting.


New member
Sorry I didn't specify. Nothing special, obviously not to a shooting match.

Just an out-of-town, weekend trip with the fam.

Just wondering...

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
It really depends on the circumstances. Most of the time,
I'm at work on the weekends, so an over abundance of
ammunition is not necessary. If I'm off, and going to the
local range I've usually got enough ammo packed for
several hours of shooting enjoyment!:) :cool: :D

*FootNote- If I happen to be off during the college foot-
ball season, I put shooting on the back burner. As will
be the case this Saturday, September 21st. GO VOL'S!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
If I'm traveling or on a weekend trip, 3 loaded mags, a J-frame with a couple speed strips, and if a rifle is along (usually is) if it's my levergun, two boxes of ammo (40 rounds) if it's my SAR-1, 90 rounds and accompanying mags. There's always 60 rounds of 7.62 and a box each of .45 and .38 FMJ in my truck anyways. Just in case.


New member
Glock 17 with high cap mag and +2 extension for 20 rnds.

who needs extras with capacity like that.
Probably the guy that has the poorly designed +2 mag base fall off and spill all his ammo on the ground! :rolleyes: :)