How many ways to pronounce Hoppes?


New member
I find it funny after being out for the outdoor sporting world for a long stint words that I thought were iconic are now pronounced differently. Hoppes as in Hoppes No. 9 is one where I find the strangest.

When I was a kid many decades ago up until about ten years ago I always heard it called Hoppes as in hops. I heard an old timer just last year call it Hoppes as in hop-eze. Just today on youtube I hear yet another version of Hoppes as in hope-eze. I have to think about what they are saying when I hear it.

How many dang ways are they and which is the right way? Maybe its a regional pronunciation thing.

Rapala is another one. it used to be called Rah-pala and now I hear rap-ala. Funniest damn thing this language called english. No point, just pondering how much has changed in the last several decades.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
If you want to sound like you know what you're talking about, say "hop-eze" with emphasis on the first syllable. If you want to seem a real gun enthusiast, use Hoppe's No. 9 as an after-shave lotion. Stings a little, but it entitles you to smirk at guys who wear what their mothers-in-law give them for Christmas.

Mal H

Since "Hoppe's" is the possessive of the last name of Frank Hoppe, the founder of the company, we should pronounce his name the way he did, and that is hahp-ee (or hop-ee) with emphasis on the first syllable. So the product is hahp-eez.

This site helps with the pronunciation:
and this one will even vocalize it: (click on the speaker icon next to the name). Although that site is for a different person, the pronunciation is the same for good 'ol Frank.


New member
If you want to seem a real gun enthusiast, use Hoppe's No. 9 as an after-shave lotion.

You might get a kick out of THIS then. I'm sorely tempted to pick up a couple for my truck.

As for the pronunciation, looks like I've been doing it wrong (always said "hops"). I'll have to force myself to change.


New member
I don't care how you say it as long as they keep making it!

Tonight's my wife's Xmas party......I might put on a dab behind my ears for cologne......I love that stuff.


New member
I think it was last month's American Rifleman that mentioned that Hoppe's has a new air freshener (for your car or gun room) with that old, familiar scent.

Yeah, I love it too!

Beaten by a day and a half!!
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New member
(shaking head) I can't *stand* the smell of Hoppes #9. But the d***** stuff does a better job cleaning my gun than anything I've ever tried; it isn't even close. So I hold my nose and use it.

More power to you if you can enjoy the smell. ;)


New member
The "Sweets" trick

it smells better than Shooter's Choice or Sweets

My buddy and I woke a dozing friend at hunting camp last year........a little of the Sweets smelling salts trick. Held it under his nose for about five seconds and he came to life like he had been hit in the face with a bucket of ice water.


New member
My wife is ticked at me because while she was baking Christmas cookies I was cleaning guns. Now the house smells like hop-eez instead of cookies. Just can't win! :(