How many rounds a month for your carry


New member
How many rounds a month (on average) do you put through your carry gun each month? I usually put 100 - 200 rounds through mine. So I am going to say 150. It is a Sig P290 BTW.


New member
0.... I shoot mine atlest 150 rounds a year, if that. I do not want high millage on my carry peice. I know how it works, and how good of a shot I am with it. Glock 19, that I do not need to keep wearing it out. I will buy another Glock 19 to train on if I felt I needed to get better with it. I have done some drills at 7,14 and 25 yards. I feel confident I can use my peice at long range if I needed to hit say a car moving toward me. Mine has about 800-900 rounds through it and is 2 years and a half almost. I think it's a good idea for people to have an extra main carry peice so you can train with one and carry the other. I wanted to get another Glock 19, but I just spend the money on other guns lol..

It did take me a while to train on my j frame S&W, had to shoot it a bunch of times to get those pesky sights lined up. This is the gun I will shoot a few times a year to keep up my aim skills on, those sights are hard......
50 a week is best I think.

I did it when I first started carrying, but at this point simply can't spend that much on shooting($1000 a year with WWB).


New member
I reload for my wife's .38 and my .40 and we both fire ~50 rounds a week. Not always easy picking up fired cases in 6" of snow...but we try:D

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Varies from 12 shots to 50 shots per session but I would think best guess is 60 rounds a month if you averaged it out over the year. Had to check my inventory and shooters log to come up with annual ammo use.


New member
Right now it's about 50 per month. I would like to do more -- at least double, time permitting. I would not want to do less.

It's still just a portion of my monthly shooting. I still shoot at least 250 rounds per month. Most of it is .22lr.

I'd like to double or triple all of it.


New member
I think I last fired my J-frame when there was still snow in the shadows of the juniper trees.
So... May?
Prior to that, it saw 78 rounds in about a year.
I don't think it will be shot again until February or March.

So, almost 3 rounds per month, averaged over 27 months. ;)

Edit: I nailed down the exact date. It was February 12th, 2012.
So, it will probably go more than 12 months, without being fired. (But the average remains the same.)
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New member
Per month ? Hard to say, exactly. Since I have 4 hand guns.....and I carry them all, in rotation.....and I try to get to the range almost every weekend.....and I shoot each one regularly (to stay proficient)......

Oh, heck....I have no idea. I'll GUESS that it averages perhaps 60, for each gun, if figured on a monthly basis.
there is something to be said for maintaining a skill is easier than building it. One of the reasons I still feel pretty comfortable with my carry gun is all the round I sent through it.

OTOH, if I had a j-frame I might not shoot it much either, especially if a 357.


New member
Well I have two answers to the OP. Firstly, prior to the deteriorating economy I would shoot about 400 rounds of 9mm per month with 100-150 of that via my carry gun, namely, a Kel-Tec P11. Secondly and now due to said financial change, ironically I shoot more rounds numerically but the majority of them are now .22lr with 100 rounds of 9mm going downrange (this on average--it will be more, for example, this month as family is coming in for Christmas and we will have several Family "Holiday" Shoots whereby exponentially more rounds will be had ;).



depends on how many varmints get close enough for me to waste a bullet on.
I seldom fire my carry gun other than a couple of times now and then. I can step to the plates at the corner of my yard and pop off a round as I wish and that's all I need. I may shoot some equivalent rounds through a backup pistol once in a while but I don't put a lot of rounds through my carry gun.


New member
...I can step to the plates at the corner of my yard and pop off a round as I wish and that's all I need...

I hope you guys that 'can pop a cap off' now and then in their own backyard are indeed lucky ;) as us "city-folk' only dream of such!



New member
there is something to be said for maintaining a skill is easier than building it. One of the reasons I still feel pretty comfortable with my carry gun is all the round I sent through it.

OTOH, if I had a j-frame I might not shoot it much either, especially if a 357.
I completely agree with the need for maintaining a skill set.
I shoot everything else, quite a bit.

But, regularly shooting that 642 will shake it apart. The 78 rounds I have put through it have already nearly quadrupled play in the crane and cylinder, and the timing is getting worse.

As for the pounding your hand takes with full power loads in a 14.4 oz revolver... you adapt, adjust, and get used to it; or give up and get rid of it. (It came into my possession, because the last owner took the latter option. ;))

El Paso Joe

New member
I usually get to the range three of four times a week. Most of the time it is a box of reloads per session. If I can get them into a group the size of my palm at 10yds I am ok with it. Excluding called flyers - and there aren't many of them. My fear is that, God forbid, I should take the life of another - even if it is justified - and I would miss and hit someone else. I would recommend "In the Gravest Extreme" as a must read for anyone who might carry and need to use it...


New member
About once a month or two I shoot my carry load, then reload my magazines.

As for shooting practice ammo out of them about a box of 50 the same time.


New member
Depends on the month. This time of year I spend very little time at the range. Some months 1 or 2k rounds. Avg 1-200 per month prolly. Not the best way to do it but I could shoot my carry guns blindfolded if you pointed me in the right direction and gave me ranges


New member
Weather permitting, I'll go to the outdoor range close by (hate indoor ranges with all the closed in noise and air just filled with healthy lead particles) once a month, and fire about 200 rounds through one of the J frames, same amount of rounds through one of my Colt 1911's, and about 100 rounds or so through my G 19; so I'd say about 500+ rounds a month total.