how many of you too smile when......


New member
you get those forms in the mail saying you can build/carry/own a gun that you really have been wanting to for years. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)


New member
If you're refering to a Form 4 or a Concealed Carry Permit, I know the feeling. Otherwise I don't know because I live in the free State of Arizona and get to buy, own and carry whatever I want otherwise.

Mal H

The Commonwealth of Virginia trusts enough such that we don't need no stinkin' forms. And that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Or does it? Wait a second ... nope, actually it was the suede side of the holster.


New member
I'm a little lost, what do you mean by build a gun you have been wanting for years? You mean have a custom gun built???

I never get forms in the mail saying I can buy a gun.
