How many of you think the Democrats are going DOWN?

Jamie Young

New member
I don't know about the rest of you, but I really think this next election is going to be devastating to the Democratic Party. Bush isn't up for re-election and the Democrats are making fools out of themselves with the Economy. I really hope things keep going the way they are. I really think they're going down. GOD WILLING!!!!!

Dashscle and Gephart (Spelling?) are so lame with the tax cuts and the "BUSH ECONOMY" that they are even losing their own base to Bush. I heard Limbaugh saying Polling data in Dashcles home State said he'd lose the next election. OH GOD PLEASE:D !!!:cool:

I just sense a Tidal Wave ready to come down on that party. Anyone else feeling that?

I just pray we take the House and Senate and nominate a few Supreme Court Justices before 94.:)


New member
Beware. Not too long ago the Republican party was written off as dead.
I prefer for both parties to die together, or both be around so they can be busy sniping at each other. Political parties have little to do with beliefs, or right and wrong. Individual politicians may be fine, but the political parties are another cancer on society. Such are the dangers of democracy.

Scott Conklin

New member
The Dems have a way of bouncing back and the Repubs have a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Although right now I can't remember having ever seen the Dems screw up so much so badly I'll withold judgement until around November.

Anyway, the Repubs aren't all that great either. They've largely sold their Conservative soul in an effort to get favorable press. I see them as merely another vehicle on the road to destruction, albeit a somewhat slower one.

Justin Moore

New member
Democrat=speeding down the road to socialism at 110MPH

Republican=speeding down the road to socialism at 55MPH, while claiming to have put 'her' in reverse.

2nd Amendment is on target here....

Derek Zeanah

New member

From what I've seen Gun Rights will suffer more with a majority Republican congress under a Republical president. At least with a mix it's something they can pretend to fight over.


New member
I think you may be underestimating the power of the siren call of the nanny state. I thought Bush would run away with the Presidential election. Instead he ended up squeaking by in the electoral college and lost the popular vote to a man who offered nothing but handouts and platitudes. The electorate scares me sometimes. One day, it's going to vote itself a tyranny into power so it doesn't have to think or provide for itself.


New member
I'm with GSB, the American electorate is becoming more and more ignorant. The dems want to create a permanent dependency class. These people vote in higher numbers than conservatives because they get "to stick it to the rich" (fill in your definition of "rich" here: ______). Until we reverse the class warfare being fought by the dems, we are in for trouble. I still say - you should not be able to vote in matters of wealth redistribution unless you are a property owner. No one can explain to me how we should allow person A and person B to get together to take from person C and give to person D. We ran astray from the basic underpinnings of funding essential governmental services when the dems started using the internal revenue code as a mechanism for wealth redistribution. How is it fair that the top 1% pays 36% of taxes and the bottom 50% pays only 6%???? The latest democratic outrage is that they want to give our tax dollars back to people who paid no taxes as a REFUND to them. I hate democrats!!!!!:barf:


New member
Speaking of the American electorate....
One sunny day in Indian, two years ago, I picked up a hitch-hiker near the intersections of Rte.30 and Rte.41. I went a few miles out of my way to drop him off wherever he was going, we chatted for a bit.. He noticed I had been listening to Rush and the conversation turned to politics, ending when he told me this:

'Eh. As long as I've got a job, a roof over my head and something to eat while I watch TV, I don't care.'

Surprisingly enough, these words changed my outlook on life, my view of the entire gun control issue and on the entire free nation of America.. this guy is the future. To everyone fighting to keep their rights, to all who would have freedom rather than the empty promise of a government-provided security: know that we've already lost.
Whether Republicans or Democrats are in power only determines how much time we have left. Remember Bush Sr., the most anti-gun president until Clinton came along? Thanks to this Republican, even a former member of the NRA, we learned that AR-15s and AKs are the first choice of criminals.

How long until other guns are similarly demonized? How long until your 1911 becomes a tool of destruction, capable of spewing forth death as soon as you can pull the trigger, and the choice of criminals bent on making their guns more accurate, faster to reload...and thus only more deadly? How long until your snubnose .38 becomes the choice of criminals who want small, concealable firearms? How long until your bolt-action Remington becomes the choice of criminals who want a deadly, powerful sniper rifle?

How long until your single-shot .22 becomes a choice of criminals who want to wield a weapon of mass destruction, so evil a single box of ammunition can be used to kill half a thousand people?

It WILL happen. The only question is when.
/end rant


New member
The elite of the Republican party are really no friends of gunowners. Someone already mentioned Bushy Sr. and the import bans on certain semiautomatic firearms. Even our hero Ronald Reagan (Happy 91st Birthday today) sold us out by supporting the Brady Bill. As a matter of fact, when elitist Republicans are in control, we seem to lose more ground because we've wrongly assumed we have our friends in control and our attention is saved for a future gun control democrat. Then things slip right by us as the elitist Repubs. try to appease the big media outlets to get some temporary good press. When Dems are in power, we are on Red Alert, and fight tooth and nail to keep our freedoms intact.

Hasn't Bush Jr. said he will permanently enact the Assault Weapons Ban? I almost puked just writing that term, it is so repugnant.

Why haven't they been more vocal on stopping the goofy lawsuits that HUD and Clinton were pursuing? Why haven't they gone public to release SH** and Wesson Oil from the Clinton HUD agreement? Answer: They are afraid of the bad press and they want to get re elected. That is their number 1 priority, and the voters who got them their be damned.

Remember the Contract with America? Republicans were swept into power. But the media hammered on Newt and even though a lot of the contract was passed in some form, the Republican elites backed off, through Newt to the wolves, and then lost ground. Real smart.

Remember elites like Gerald Ford? He fought against Reagan being the Repub. nominee, saying he was too conservative for American voters. Two landslides later he was proven wrong, as were many other "in the know" political experts.

I fear that the electorate has become very complacent. They need to be reenergized. I don't know how to do that. The Republicans are going after the lazy electorate vote, at least on a national level, in my opinion. Maybe that is the only way they can win. If so, we are going down, it's just a matter of later with the Repubs in power, vs sooner with the Dems.


New member
Here's the way I see it.
Our current strategy of fighting with the truth, unfortunately, is at best a rear guard action, at worst a loosing strategy. The general populace has been so inured to actually caring about what is going on around them. They don't care. They have been tought to not care about their rights by their teachers in school. This is the reason the Dems/RINOs can get away with what they do. The average joe doesn't call them on it, because they havn't been taught any different.

The only long-term solution, IMO, is to get as many constitutionalists into higher education teaching positions as we can. Only by taking away the stranglehold the socialists/communists have on higher education can we actually begin to turn it around.

Simply put, they get to these people before we do. That has to change.


New member
My personal opinion is that we're all screwed.

Most Americans, as long as they have food, a place to sleep, and a boobtube to watch, just don't give a damn. Besides, most of them are completely ignorant, if not outright stupid, and buy most of the putrid effluent spewing forth from the mouths of our "elected" politicians without even a half-hearted attempt to get to the truth.

Apathy is a powerful thing; it allows tyrrants to come into power.


New member
Democrats (specifically the leadership and toady grunts) have a clearly defined set of beliefs that I find counterproductive, devisive, vicious, and outright dangerous to my liberty and economic well-being.

Republicans (aka spinelessrepublicans) believe in nothing! Republican spear carriers believe in conservatism (whatever that means).

Constitutional libertarians believe in the right things but seem incapable of explainng those beliefs and translating those beliefs into meaningful political action.

Will the democrats self-destruct? No, they will just reinvent themselves. If their defeat is bad enought they might actually change some stated beliefs. In any case republicans will not want to win because that implies a set of core beliefs and I see no such evidence.



From what I've seen Gun Rights will suffer more with a majority Republican congress under a
Republical president.
How so?

Do you recall some of Al "no controlling legal authority" Gore's proposals during 2000?

I certainly do... :mad:


New member
Maybe we should just all give up.

Maybe we should just start burying crates of M4s in caves in the mountains somewhere so that when the Dems and RINOs get their way and create a totalitarian police state maybe we can arm the revolutionaries.

I think Claire Wolfe summed up our situation perfectly :(

Too late to work within the system ... too soon for revolution.

so we quit trying and let things go to hell faster ... thus getting us to the day it is time to "shoot the bastards" sooner.


New member
There have been a couple of recent polls that suggest that the national Democratic Party is in serious trouble - but if there's anything we can do to screw this up, it's to pay attention to the polls, and stop working.

It's not a done deal until the election is over.

Meanwhile, I'm seeing a lot of gun owners who are still bad-mouthing Bush. I'll admit, he's not as strong on gun rights as he could be, but he's stronger on this issue than any president we've had since TR.

He took quite a chance in appointing Ashcroft, and a greater one in reversing the DOJ's position on RKBA.

If he loses, if he comes out as strongly for gun rights as he has, and gun owners turn their back on him, we'll have pretty much assured that no politician, regardless of his personal opinions, is going to have the guts to stand up for gun rights for at least twenty years.

Yes, there are a bunch of us. But if we want to have political influence commensurate with our numbers, we're going to have to do more than tell politicians what we want them to do. We're going to have to back them to the hilt after they've done it.


New member

How do guns rights suffer more with a Republican Congress nder a Republican President? If you want to see what the Democrats are all about, look to California. And by the way, over the past 40 years or so, since when has a Republican President had a Republican Congress (except for the first few months of the current Bush administration) before Jeffords jumped?

Would you prefer ALGORE or Clintoon?


New member
Maybe we should just all give up.

i can't, it's against my nature. :)

i know it's frustrating now, but could you imagine if we all just threw in the towel and quit?

as far as the dems self-destructing, won't happen. they get elected because people keep electing them (i live in boston...the democratic party is not going away....). and comfort breeds complacency.

so until people stop being comfortable and start sitting up and taking notice, they will cast ignorant votes....if they vote at all.

perhaps 9/11 was a wakeup call for people; i guess we'll have to wait until the '02 election results come in.

until then, keep on fighting. it's worth it, and i know you know that. :)


New member
positive reinforcement ...

is VERY important ... jdege has it exactly right!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If he loses, if he comes out as strongly for gun rights as he has, and gun owners turn their back on him, we'll have pretty much assured that no politician, regardless of his personal opinions, is going to have the guts to stand up for gun rights for at least twenty years.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

i realize a lot of folks here tend toward an all-or-nothing stance, but we ARE more likely to get more support when we demonstrate that WE are consistent in our support of those who lean our way, even if they're not leaning hard enough for our liking!


New member
My dad liked to say there wasn't enough space between a Democrat and a Republican to slide in a piece of plywood.

You'd see Sens. Byrd, Kennedy, Thurmond, McCain, Helms and many more from both parties in Congress and the Senate fearing for their jobs if there was any danger of either party losing ground. They're not afraid of anything.

It's about power, and they'll be in power until there's no more gravy to sop. Hope lies in the youngsters who get in office after the old guards' limos pass for the last time.


New member
Do we give up? Not only no, but Heck No! I think now is the time to work harder than ever. If you send money to a politician, make sure same knows your views. I have several times sent typed letters stating my views and how I would like my views taken into account in return for my support, including votes, money, and talking to my friends and coworkers. Grass roots is still very effective. I guess what I am trying to say is that we need to work very hard at the bottom levels, because our support at the top seems to be lukewarm at times. We need to educate our families, friends, neighbors, what have you, in regards to our struggle. Then as we gain more numbers who are willing to stand up and let the politicians know where we stand, hopefully the tide will raise all boats, including those at the top. Can we do this in our dumbed down culture? I think we can. Will it be easy? About as easy as shaving a grizzly's butt with an Epilady or a pill shaver.