How many of you reloaders use an i-Phone

Do you use an iPhone

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 37 52.9%

  • Total voters


New member
Thinking about developing an iPhone app dealing with and around reloading.
I really don’t know what avenue it will take yet – But, I need to get some idea
how many reloaders actually use an iPhone and what features might be included.

Yes - I have an iPhone

No - I don't have an iPhone

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I use an iPhone... and I use JBM ballistics on it... the website works just fine in Safari on the iPhone. It would be nice to have an app made for it though, and one that would work without a signal.


New member
The wife says I can use my "allowance" for whatever I want. In my case, I'd rather use it buy more guns and ammo than spend it on an iPhone and the monthly charges associated with it. If I could do both, I'd have an iPhone right now. But guns and ammo are higher on my priority list than an iPhone.


New member
I do own two direct competitors of the iPhone, and plan to upgrade one to a new model within the next 2 weeks. It won't be an iPhone, though.


New member
I have an Iphone and just recently, an Ipad. I access the Hodgon's reloading data center via Safari and it works pretty well, however I am limited to the manufacturer's data. I have looked on Itunes for reloading apps, and there just aren't any. I would gladly pay up to $10 for an app that allows me to get access to multiple data sources of reloading information. Seems like it would not be that difficult to create, some selectors for rifle/pistol, cartridge type, and then filters for bullet weight/style, powder type, with a summary screen. One bit of advice I would offer, design it for both the Ipad and Iphone, as using an Iphone app on the Ipad is worthless. Again, you may not get a large customer base volume wise, but those that are looking for this would pay more than your standard app.


New member
Hell, I don't even use a land-line unless I have to...

Nope, I like my shooting done through experience and knowledge---not gadgets.


New member
I dont buy Apple products. I do own a cell phone. But I'm not a slave to cell phone's in general.

However if you have an iPhone, I'd be glad to shoot it for you and let you know how my rounds did.

Mike Mattera


New member
No, I don't have an IPhone.

I prefer to stay in the 20th Century.

I would dial it back a couple of centuries if I could.
Plus about 100 Slamfire!

Yep, I would like to take some of the medical advancements along, but other then that setting the clock back about 60 - 70 years would be a good thing.

I was born in 43, and I remember reloading being done by a family friend during my early years, so setting back that amount of time would for the most part be a very good thing!

Keep em coming!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot

Tex S

New member
What is an "i-phone" and why in the world would I want one?

Surely that is a joke. I find it hard to believe that a person who is computer literate does not know what an iPhone is.

I also find it a bit perplexing that several people have made negative comments toward technology as they type away on their computers that are connected to the Internet.

Just sayin'...


New member
I also find it a bit perplexing that several people have made negative comments toward technology as they type away on their computers that are connected to the Internet.

They're just saying that there is a lot about a past age that seems, at least from our busy and information overloaded perspective, attractive. Of course, there's a lot that we would miss too... hot water and electricity being two of the easiest ones I can think of.
Yep, spacecoast, that is correct.

However, as old of an Ol'Coot as I am, hot water and elect power have been facts of my life since born.

As for being negative about technology, there is a time and a place for it.

And making/receiving calls or text during work hours is NOT one of them!

Used to really get me when I had co-workers receiving and making call after call after call while on the clock.

I'd give an OK to break and or lunch time, but it should be off and not on the person during paid work time!

Texting while driving. That should earn jail time!

Just a Crusty Ol'Coot's opinion.

Keep em coming!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot


New member
Not thread stealing here but I did find a very cool APP that has helped me int he reloading area. It is called, "PocketScan". It is an APP that allows you to take photos of documents and turn them into .pdf files. That alone is great. But another feature is it allows you to set up directories and folders to download stuff to, or, upload stuff from as well. Has a built in wireless transfer utility that will upload wirelessly files from your computer or any computer on the same network as the iPhone is at the time.

So you have a folder on your computer with .doc files or .pdf files on reloading data. Just upload the files to a folder you can create "within" PocketScan. I have several full length movies on my iPhone in a folder called, "movies". I have uploaded my entire Tacoma manual to this APP. I have uploaded as much as 2 GB at a time folks, it has no limit size wise except your HDD size. Might be worth a look/see. :)


New member
I actually do NOT know what a i-phone is.. No I don't have a cell phone. Had one once, it was a constant bother to keep charged up, the battery was bigger than most cell phones are now. I had just had heart surgery, wanted it for an emergency. Turned out it was worthless for where I might need it most, (hunting land), no signal.

My kid just got a Motorola droid, it's neat what it can do, but I would never have one.

I inquired about a pay-as-you-go cell phone. I was told you have to buy "minutes", then that they expire after just 30 days. I only want it for road emergencies, I would hardly ever use it.

Nothing annoys me more than someone walking through a store yapping on a cell phone. Can't they be out of touch with people for even a minute? What is there to talk about?

As for an ape, um appt, ap, what ever the heck that is, if you can't wait until you get home, to access your puter, then you have a problem.

Coot, when I was 3, we had only cistern running water inside plumbing, no water heater. Potable water was in the milk house, was a hand pumped well. Baths were taken after heating water on a 3 burner kerosene stove. Then carrying it upstairs to the bathroom tub. That lasted about a year after moving into that farmhouse, then dad put a jet pump in the well, and installed a water heater on the cistern. These kids now days just don't know how good they got it.