How many of you lift weights to improve handgun control?


New member
Curious. I am 57 years old and lift when I get time, wish it was more often. I do lift with light weights hold my arms out straight in front similar to my shooting position.

Between my age, lack of experience and teaching I think it helps some but hard to tell how much. Anyone else have suggested lifting techniques or exercises?


New member
As someone who has lifted most of my life there is no doubt it can be an asset. I would also suggest focusing on your lower back and abdominal muscles this can prevent injuries and improve overall stamina. While these activities in theory could assist your shooting I think the greatest benefit is that they may allow you to practice more without experiencing fatigue. I went shooting with an out of shape buddy and he gave out very quickly.


New member
Any downtime - watching television, reading, doing something on pc - I will usually be working with a grip strengthener or a couple 5 pounders.

I have found that it really does help with both recoil management and trigger control, especially on the DA pull of a DA/SA auto.


New member
I don't but maybe I should,,,

Last weekend I took a young man out shooting,,,
I took handguns ranging from .22 through .44 Magnum.

Myself I fired 18 rounds through my S&W Model 629,,,
Later that day my right forearm was very sore.

One of my buddies calls it "Magnum Arm".

I used to work carpentry and general home construction,,,
7 years as a student and 5 years as a desk jockey,,,
I've gotten very puny in my old age.



New member
I do 500 trigger finger pushups a day in preperation for an outing with my sigma!:eek:

LOL! Just kidding. The sigma rocks! :D


New member
I lift, but not a great amount. I don't intend to go to the olympics. I regularly lift 40 pounds, a moderate amount, just to slow the loss of muscle mass with age. Recently I had a hiatus from the gym, and when I got back I found that I needed to start with 30 pounds. Doesn't take long to lose muscle tone, about a month for me that time. Got back to 40 :)

So yes, I do lift, not to be a muscleman but to maintain what I have.. I don't seem to gain what I lack very much. I'm 75

The lifting does give muscle tone for steadier shooting :) I recently read somewhere that after age 40 or so the average male loses 7% muscle mass a year.


New member
I lift but I never even associated it with shooting. I mainly do carido and lift to strengthen my lower back and chest. And to keep my beer belly to a minimum :D. Although I can see how lifting has helped in the last 4-5 years.

Occam's Razor

New member
Tons of pushups, pullups, chinups squats and lunges. 200+ pushups in a session isn't bad for a 54 yoa. But I also teach and am not a fan of out of shape instructors trying to teach movement, when they can't. I do find that stronger pecs and lats help with recoil management and it is something i talk to students about - no preaching.


New member
I lift, but not for handgun control purposes.

Primarily, I lift because, being in my 40's, resistance training is necessary to prevent muscle loss and bone density issues.

Secondarily, more muscle mass (to a reasonable extent) yields higher metabolism, and helps burn off fat. My father is of Swedish and Welsh descent; the Swedish side tends to be tall and heavy. My mother is of Sicilian descent; her family is a mix of wiry people and keg-shaped people. My natural tendency is toward a barrel shape - especially since I like good food. If I don't lift, there's no way I can do enough cardio to avoid porking up.

Of course, there are other factors. Vanity, of course. And it does help with shooting, as well as martial arts. But those are all tertiary, after health concerns.


New member
I lift weights cause I like it, never really associated it with handgun control, but having muscle is always good.

Amin Parker

New member
I definately do. I hold a dumb bell sideways in front of me as in a isoceles position. This keeps the necessary muscles in shape for a long day of shooting.


New member
Since my semi-retirement I work at an auction house clearing out estates and moving stuff from point A to point B.
Not as strong as I was as a kid but it does seem to have increased my anaerobic strength.

Yankee Doodle

New member
I started out by doing 25 curls with a 5 pound potato bag. After a couple of months, I went to a ten pounder.
After two years, I was using a 100 pounder.
Next week, I will start putting some potatos into the bags.


New member
I don't lift weights anymore but stay very active. I heat with wood so that alone helps keeps me in shape along with stretching excersises and swimming.

I also do more 12ounce curls then I used to do.:eek:

For many yrs. I've excersised my hands,wrists and forearms by squeezing tennis/racket balls. Had to quit for a few years due to wrist surgery but have been back at it for the last two years.


New member
Does lifting and tossing a few hundred 60lbs hay bales once or twice a week and shoeing stubborn horses count as weight lighting? :D

No I don't lift weights but I do enough around the farm that I don't need to. I do try to swim at least 150 laps a week though.


New member

As I was doing my morning lift I wondered about this question and also wondered where or if it would fit anywhere on this forum. Here is what the category description states: "A wide open area for Handgun posts that don't fit well in the Revolver or Semiauto Forums. Ammunition selection to shooting technique and more."