How many of you have firearms training?

The Rock

New member
How many of y'all have some sort of firearms training? For the purpose of this question service in the military does not count. Have you taken an NRA course? Hunter's safety course? Private instruction at a school? (Gunsite, Thunder Ranch, etc.)

Did you learn anything? Do you feel more confident?

The Rock wants to know.


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Hunter safety course. It was a formality to get a hunting license; I already knew most of what was taught from my dad and grandparents.
I don't remember much of the course, actually.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
A fair amount of defensive handgun and shotgun training.

I would opine that something serious about carrying a handgun for self-defense could use
a course.

Whether the law requires it, is a different debate.

I say it is a good thing to do and will instruct you that it isn't as easy as you think.


New member
I had to memorize the gun safety rules in the owners manual before i could even handle my first air rifle, does that count?
Besides that, I had training in the Boy Scouts, in Louisiana schools we had the Jr. Deputy Program,which taught gun safety ( I just enrolled my daughter in it today even!)
and I too have taken the Hunters Safety Course, not as a requirement, but as a curiousity and I figured it wouldnt hurt to refresh. :)


New member
Mas Ayoob's LFI-1
Chuck Taylor's Small Arms Academy 2 1/2 day class

NRA Instructor ratings: pistol, rifle, shotgun, muzzleloading shotgun, muzzleloading rifle, muzzleloading pistol, metallic cartridge reloading, shotshell reloading, personal protection


(not counting USAF Expert in M9, M16, 870, .38, M60 and German Army "Schuzenscher" (sic) in P1, G1, MG1, and Uzi.)

Currently saving up the cash so my wife and I can go to Thunder Ranch...there is never enough training, always more to learn...



New member
I've got two hunter safety courses under my belt, as well as 10 days of training with the US Army Marksmanship Unit (Black hats) Ft. Benning, a week on full-auto with the U.S. Capitol Police in DC, and three days with the Seymour Johnson AFB guys at a range near the base (one day with M-60s).
I almost forgot, I also attended the small arms firing school (also conducted by the US Army Marksmanship Unit) at Camp Perry.

It was a great help. I found out little things at every one of 'em that I didn't know or realize, and my "before and after" scores show the difference. ;)

Jason Demond

New member
I never had formal training, what I learned was from my father. I had gun safty rules drilled in to my head from the first time I ever shot anything.

He was the one who trained me, he went through the NRA training course many years ago and passed on what he learned to me.


General Dwight D. Eisenhower-- June 6,1944


New member
Since military service is excluded, won't include my SAIROC course and Unit Marksmanship Coordinator status through them.I guess armorers courses don't count either through my LE job.ith my LE job in mind, my basic school instruction (twice) with depts, NTOA rifle course, couple of Ayoob's courses; basic hunter stuff years ago.

Not much compared to some of the above


New member
Discounting military...

CCW Class
NRA Basic pistol
Chuck Taylor's tactical pistol

Hope to do tactical pistol with Gabe Suarez and LFI-1 with Mas Ayoob later this year. Both are being offered near my home.

SA Scott

New member
Private instruction and (non-sanctioned)IDPA have taught me much about my limitations in handgun personal defense. Keep spending my Thunder Ranch money on more firearms. :rolleyes:

Want and need more.

SA Scott


New member
Not including the Marine Corps, all I've had is the half assed, so called firearms training that the Illinois Department of Corrections has at its half assed, so called training academy. Very, very basic training with the S&W model 64 (Don't ask, Glock even offered to replace them), the Mini-14, and the 870.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
After some 20 years of casual, for-fun pistol shooting, I took a 3-day basic course. I then shot IPSC for a couple of years. 20 years later--now--I still shoot, although not as often as I used to.

I think I would separate training in "how to hit" from training in the strategy and tactics of self defense and personal protection.

It would not surprise me that there might be upper-level competitors in the Steel Challenge who may never have really considered the many challenges and "what ifs" of self defense...



New member
3 professional defensive pistol courses (including one from Clint Smith and one from Bennie Cooley)

NRA Instructor's course (now a state-certified instructor)

CCW Class

Bob Locke

New member
You would start this type of topic, wouldn't you? (Bob knows The Rock, and understands his concerns)

For me, the answer is a big fat NONE. Guess I need to fix that, don't I? Like someone stated above, I keep spending the little bit of money I have on more firearms or ammunition. Guess I need to establish another "slush fund" and get myself some formal training. Maybe my part-time work at The Armory will cover it....


New member
3 Pistol classes with Greg Block who runs Great value and will definitely improve your basic shooting skills.

When I get the time and money I'd like to attend a pistol class at Thunder Ranch.