How many of y'all are bangin' birds this weekend?

Long Path

New member
Sept. 1st in Texas is a date of legendary proportions to those of us who dove hunt. This is the day that we prove, time and again, that migratory game birds can read calenders. The last days of August typically bring the pulsing wingbeat of the mourning dove across our sight, so often that we find ourselves swerving off of I-35, I-20, I-30, or I-10, following their flights. Early Sept, however, shows the cruelty that is Mother Nature's trademark, when we stand sweating in a heat thought reserved only for July , August, or Hades, and observe only the taunting flights of scissor-tails, swifts, or other members of the specious chi-chi-birdus no-goodus.
When, at long last, we do get a shot that actually brings down the bird, we go wandering through the tall grass, looking for a tiny bird that has been bestowed with such superb camouflage, you wonder why in the world they fly, rather than creep along the ground, where'd they'd never be seen.

Then, you find the little bugger. If you're smart, you've got a little cooler to put him in, to keep from lettin' the meat go bad. If you're --er... not smart, you'll not only not cool it off, but you'll set that bleeding morsel on the hot ground, to be gathered up at the end of your hunt, whereupon you'll be reminded of why the dove-birds would rather fly-- FIRE ANTS! They're drawn to the blood, and they'll make themselves some more, soon as they've all gotten on your hands, feet, legs, and nether regions in a smoothly-distributed net, and then spew forth some devious phermone that makes them all sting at ONCE.

Then, the hunt is over. You've seen 3 dove. You've fired 2 boxes of shells. (how'd that happen?) You have one bird, and now you have to clean it.

And you'll be pacing the floors to do it again....!

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


New member
Hey, I'll be out there sweatin' right along with ya! And yes I'll probably shoot two boxes of shells and only bring down one bird, but I'll still love every minute of it. I can't wait to try out the new Citori (supposedly they took out all the misses in these overly priced bugers)

Good luck, save a few birds for me.

Feels good to post again, been gone too long!

Long Path

New member
Always have wanted to hunt with one of those boogers.

BTW: Dove huntin' is the only kind of hunting I've ever seen where it just gets better and better, the more hunters you put to the same field!

Good luck, and if you do well, allow me to give you my favorite recipe for 'em.

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 31, 1999).]


New member
Ahh a kindred spirit. I too will brave all adversity to be with the migratory crowd. In fact, my entire calender revolves around Labor Day in North Carolina. There is no kind of hunting (shooting) that gets me more revved up than the revered dove. The thing for me however is the wonderful kinship with the people that I hunt with. It's a true social event.

"Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
- Elie Wiesel 1928


New member
Can't Wait, Can't Wait, Can't Wait!

Heading out Thursday with my brother and about 8 of our buddies. Dove huntin' is truly the "Kick-Off" to huntin season.

Oooooh Can't Wait!

Good Luck to All, and hunt Safe!



New member
Hey, we hunt doves in Wyoming too. Season opens September 1. Cold front usually hits on August 30 and the doves leave August 31. The ones that do stay are usually easy to hit...they are too cold to fly.

Will Fennell

New member
Same thing here is South Carolina,...its the 1 st saturday in September...this coming saturday.....can't wait.

Will Fennell

Stay Sharp!


Long Path

New member
When I was a kiddo of about 12, I got so excited at the prospect that I would practice for the opener by removing the sights from my old Crossman 760 B.B. gun and trying to hit thrown cans (usually unsuccessfully) or just rapidly point-shooting static targets. The general upshot of this practice was not an improvement in my smoothbore ability, but merely to lose the sights on my pellet rifle.

The entire season begins at the dove season opener, which is followed by deer bow season, for those of y'all who do it (I'm thinking of using my wife's bow this year for the first time...), quail, then, on Nov. 6, the MAIN EVENT-- deer and turkey! It is for this reason that late October is really my favorite time of the year; the weather begins to cool (not chill-- that's late November), and the anticipation of the big combo-hunts is wonderful. More than once, I've been sighting-in for deer season on the third weekend of October, with my well-used shotgun next to the shooting table, should a late dove fly over the improvised range at that time.

To the Texans: doesn't it seem that the heat gets just a tad more bearable at the start of dove season, even if the thermometers read the same? I swear, I had occasion to be outside for about an hour and a half today (walking around campus), and although the temp was reading 99 F., it seemed more temperate. The shadows were just a bit longer, and the breezes a bit cooler. And suddenly, as the sun begins to set, we again have the "golden hour," which seems to leave us every summer.

And I just found out that I'm going to be working 12 hour shifts every day for the next 17 days! NOOOooooooo...!!! (Not to mention 12 hours this semester!) Heck with it-- I'm still going.


New member
Dove season opens up here in Nebraska too. Weather the last couple of weeks has been hot and windy, but the number of doves I've been seeing lately has been increasing. A buddy and I have been shooting a few blue rocks getting ready for the hunting seasons to open. I know that clay pigeons and doves don't fly quite the same, but stand off to one side for crossing shots while your buddy throws rocks into a very uneven gusty 20-35 mph wind and it gets closer.
Happy Huntin

Archery deer Sept, 15. Soon to be followed by prairie chicken, then pheasant, quail, partridge the first of Nov., then firearm deer the second weekend of Nov. and muzzleloader in Dec. Not to mention fall turkey, and of coarse, waterfowl :)

by the way the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has a very good website

[This message has been edited by bergie (edited August 31, 1999).]