How Many Mags do You Carry?


New member
For CCW, how many spare mags do you carry? Do you carry a flashlight, multitool, folding knife, ASP baton, etc?

(Just trying to design my own CCW setup) :cool:


Blue Duck357

New member
I'd think one spare would be fine, can't really see a need for the other stuff.

I'm required to carry pepper when carrying a gun, which I can see as both an advantage and a liability.

urban assault

New member
When I'm working as a bouncer or doing any other security work(concert, movie set or the occasional bodyguard gig) I carry my P14-45 "Limited", 1 spare 14-round mag, Coldsteel Tanto(sometimes Recon, sometimes Kobun), my beat-up old ASP, 1 pair stainless bracelets, throwaway puncher(2 big lead sinkers wrapped in electrical tape-works GREAT!) and sometimes, Pepper.
When I'm off work I carry my Ruger SP101 .357, 1 speedloader, and the throwaway puncher. I am so used to carrying this gear I dont even notice it anymore. Cheers!


Marko Kloos

New member
Two spare mags when toting any of the autochuckers. Two speedloaders and two speed strips when toting a wheelgun. In either case, I keep an extra MTM box with fifty spare rounds for the carry gun du jour in the glove compartment.

My Sebenza goes with me everywhere, no matter what kind of gun I carry.
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Jay Baker

New member
I carry one extra, eight round magazine for my Colt's Lightweight Commander .45 ACP.

Sometimes I carry my Beretta 92FS with 16 rounds in it, but still carry an extra magazine. (In my opinion, the magazine is the weakest link in a semi-auto pistol.)

My other "weapon" is my old Camillus Stockman three bladed pocket knife, but in a "fix", I really don't know how I'd be able to get it into action.

That's walking around stuff: if going out into the boonies, I have either a day pack with a lot of goodies in it, or, if on a short walk in the woods, I have other "survival" things stuffed in my jacket pockets.



New member
On duty with a 9mm I carry 1 mag in the gun and 4 spares. Off duty I carry anywhere from 1-3 spares, but it will all depend on the level of tension in the city. Like during New Years of 1999 I was off work at midnight, and was out, but due to the hype, etc, I had a USP .45 with 1 mag in the gun, and 3 spares in my fannypack. For CCW though I don't think you should need more than 2 spares. If the gun fight is going to get that out of hand, due to multiple attackers etc I'd avise you run like the wind than stand and fight with limited ammo and resources!


Before I was a cop I carried the gun and one spare mag if I was carring a double stack gun and 2 spare if it was a single stack gun. Now when I am off duty I carry 1 spare double stack mag in a blade tech mag/ surefire flash light holder. I also carry ASP pepper spray key chain, cell phone and handcuffs. This is also what I carry at work since I went plain clothes.


New member
One spare mag, one cell phone.

Never carry your weapon without a cell phone. To do so relys on others calling 911, and only God knows what they'll say. You calling 911 and saying "I was attacked and was forced to defend myself from three armed persons, please send police and an ambulance....." beats the heck out of some bystander who only knows anything about weapons from Dan Blather on the nightly news and only says what they see...."There's a man (or woman) with a gun shooting three other men."

I want to be on the phone with the 911 operator, and my attorney, until the police arrive.
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Larry Wright

New member
Ditto the cellphone by Jack19. About 6 times out of 10, I carry two extra magazines or two speed loaders depending on pistol or revolver in the car. In the fall and winter, one extra magazine or speedloader in the jacket pocket.