How many mags are too many mags???


New member
Can you have too many magazines for a pistol? I don't think so, but I'm wondering how many on average you have for your semi-autos. I'm up to ten on my Ruger 9mm (five factory hi-caps, two factory 10-rounders, and three Mec-Gar 10 rounders), and I've been accused of having a magazine fetish. I'm just a normal gun owner, am I not?

NRA & GOA Member


New member
It's always better to have and not need than to need and not have! Considering todays pro-gun control Government, it would be wise to stock up on full-capacity magazines.

I own 5 magazines for my GLOCK 21 (3 hi-caps/2 10round).


New member
I have a friend who has 30 mags for every gun he has. So no, you are way shy of being extreme.

On a separate note, I don't know what state you live in, but if you live in Kommunistic Kalifornia, you have a bullet limit you can have. I don't know if you are aware of that, I've yet to hear of someone get prosecuted because of it, but it says something like :

You are allowed 5021 rounds per weapon. The breakdown is this:

5000rnds storage
2x10rnd magazines
1 in the chamber.

I also do not know if this still holds true currently...



New member
I don't think I would call it a fetish Guyon. In the event of a catstrophic disaster of some type you will be glad you have those mags ready. Bad things can happen very quickly and it's better to have too many mags than to be caught short. That goes for ammo too. And the problem is you never know when something can happen that you will need to have your firearms ready. So it's kinda like the Boy Scout Motto says:
"Be Prepared." Just my 2 cents on the subject. I guess you'd call me one of those survivalist types. Kinda, sorta, maybe?

It's a good life if you can survive it!


New member
You can't have too many mags. The correct question to ask is, "how many mags is enough?" I'd say 6 per gun is a minimum. Of course, I have some mags for guns I don't own (yet)...


Jim V

New member
How many can you afford? If you can buy 'em and still eat, you ain't got enough.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
well, if yer truck's tailend drags the pavement and all ya got is mags, no food, water or other essentials...that's too many mags.

If you use five or more nad-aids in a week because you keep stubbing yer toe or stepping on them in the dark...that's probly too many mags.

If you constantly try to load yer revolver by sticking a mag in the grip...well, yer just plain stupid and it's got nothin to do with the mags. ;)

I got 8 for my Makarov...and will get more.

Satanta, the Whitebear
Sat's Realm:

My Disability petition:


Staff Alumnus
mmm nope never too many.. though I only have two for several of my pistols.. its individual choice really.

I have been considering getting some PC 10 rounders for my hi-power only to use in competition (IDPA) but they say compete with what you carry.. so maybe that's not so wise after all.

I'm still planning on getting 2 of those 17 shot SA magazines. ;)



I suggest a MINIMUM of 9 mags per gun broken down into three sets of 3's:<OL TYPE=1><LI> The first set remains a "virgin" set and after initially verifing that they feed properly, they are placed aside and not used.
<LI> The second set is kept loaded during the Winter/Summer season.
<LI> The third set is kept loaded during the Spring/Fall season.</OL>Anything above nine, is a bonus but 9 is a minimum.

Young Kiwi

New member
You can quickly tell if you have too many magazines, The Floor of our house will collapse.

I have a uncounted number of S&W K Frame Speedloaders. (I keep finding ones that I have previously obtained everywhere around the house).
For my main pistol (Glock 17) I have 4 17rnd, 4 19rnd and 1 33rnd mags. I find this currently enough.

po boy

New member
I try to use the rule of thumb that one extra mag for parts after all others are filled with ammo and I keep messin up buying more ammo a never ending circle :rolleyes:

Rusty S

New member
I've a big coffee can filled up with 27 N frame ( 41 mag ) speedloaders, 6 for each 41 I have with three extra. If I stack them right I should be able to get at least 3 more in the can and still get the lid on, which would bring me up to 180 rounds ready to go.


[This message has been edited by Rusty S (edited August 28, 2000).]


New member
At last count I had 53 mags for my various 1911 pistols. This doesn't include about 30 mags which are el cheapos or damaged. Yes, I have several 1911 pistols.


New member
When there's no more room in your oven for a corn dog, AND no more room in your reefer for a Pepsi - that's enough. One more is too many.


New member
It is possible to have too many mags.

It is also possible to have too much money, too much Sam Adams in the fridge, and too many fine automobiles in the driveway.

Soon as I reach any of those numbers, I'll let you know what it is.