How many here have seen this video?


New member
With 1,764 views I would guess not many.

When you click the link, make sure you are sitting down so you won't fall down. If you are at a desk, sit back so your jaw won't hit the table top. Above all else, leave a clear path to the vomitorium!

This is the finest exhibition of lunacy I have ever seen. To think that Ken James is a Chief of Police of Emeryville or any other city is astounding.

He posits the viewpoint that firearms are not now nor they have ever been a defensive weapon. They are only for offensive purposes, used to intimidate, and to show power. He states outright that firearms as defensive weapons are a myth.

Yes, you read that right.

He then goes on to state that police officers do not carry firearms as defensive weapons to protect themselves or their fellow officers but to do their job in a safe and effective manner.

All of this starts at 1:38 in the video.

How does this glittering jewel of colossal ignorance continue to be a police chief of a city while admitting that his officers only carry their weapons for offensive intimidation and as a demonstration of power? He makes the case for why the people need to remain armed.

Watch the video HERE.
How does this glittering jewel of colossal ignorance continue to be a police chief of a city while admitting that his officers only carry their weapons for offensive intimidation and as a demonstration of power?
The guy presides over a small town of just over 10,000. He doesn't seem to have any significant influence in policy matters.


New member
HE's a police chief, not a sheriff. He's the mayor's mouthpiece or he's looking for a job. Sheriffs are commonly elected, and theoretically either speak for or to their constituency depending on your level of cynicism, and the issue involved.


New member
With respect JimPeel,

Have not and will not view the article.

But as you have written about this gems thoughts and his apparent thoughts towards the 10,000 citizens (per Tom Servo) he has sworn to protect not owning guns, IMO, the sheriff and every deputy that works for him should be charged with a crime every time a crime is committed in their town that the sheriffs department failed to stop.

With sheriff's apparent thoughts on gun control being that the only people that should have guns are LEO and military.... and more then likely his thoughts are that of when someone is breaking into your home or a woman is being raped on the street, those people should always call 911 and wait for LE to show up....

....sooo, if that's the case, every murder,rape or assault that happens under his watch to his dis-armed citizens, he and his department should be charged with criminally for not getting there in time to stop the crime.


New member
It is too bad that we already know how the courts rule about the LE responsibility to protect us. In light of these things, the anti's chatter sounds more and more ridiculous...


New member
It simply amazes me just how far from common sense this country has strayed........:eek:

I wonder how hard it was for the two other officers in the back to hold back from laughing when this idiot was talking, the white officer keep nodding his head probably to keep from laughing........:)


New member
Jim, thanks for the link. More importantly thanks for providing such a good description. Based on your description, I did not open this link and give this person the benefit of one more 'view' count on his video page.


New member
I wrote the idiot and the city manager with some highlights of the Heller decision and general information anyone in his position should know.... Im sure it wont change a thing but I did what I could.