How many have a Kentucky windage gun


New member
The one you have to aim 3 inches right and 4 inches low to bring it on target. You know, the one where you take your buddy out to the range and tell him he can't shoot worth a dang. The one you hit the target and he can't get close.


Hey it doesn't matter what your POA is as long as your POI is where you want it to be. That said, sure I have that gun. Ruger Super Bearcat. It's my deadliest gun against rabbits. I'm not paying no mind to the rabbit and aiming at that rock over there so he knows hes safe. Next thing he knows is he's gettin his ear peirced! :D

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
H&R 922, first handgun I ever owned. Aiming low and left a foot at 25-30 yards and you will have a rabbit for the pot. Took awhile to learn that but a couple of thousand New Mexico jack rabbits will attest to the fact that I learned it well. :D

Had bought it for my ex-wife for SD because at the time it was the only gun we could afford. Training her on silhouette targets aiming for the mid section all of her rounds went into the crotch. She inherited the 38 Super and I got me a rabbit gun.

She says she didn't do it on purpose but every gun since then her shots all landed in the same place. :eek:

My .357 Dan Wesson using 130 gr target ammo on bad guy targets. I aim for the bride of the nose and group over the right eyebrow. Aim for the corner of the mouth and I get the bride of the nose. .357 hits where I aim at. :confused:


New member
Sorry, . . . just can't stand it.

Any gun comes into my safe care and keeping like that, . . . gets a rag around it, . . . into the vise, . . . and whacked and/or filed until it shapes up.

Kentucky windage is fine for a friendly golf game, . . . not worth $.02 when my life and/or limb might be hangin' on it's sights.

May God bless,


New member
I guess I'm fortunate that none of my sentimental firearms fit that catagory. As far as others- run of the mill stuff- either they get put back into decent form or they find a new home.


New member
I had one, a 2008 Charter Arms Police Undercover. It shoot a foot low and 6 inches left from a rest at 10 (yes TEN) yards. Sent it back to the factory, they torqued the barrel and shaved the front sight in half. Then they sent me a target to prove they had it right. It still tumbles bullets but at least it hits where you aim...


New member
Not all guns are for "life and limb" use.
That ^.

Even if I do try to keep all of my sights adjusted... not all of them are intended for protection purposes. Some of them would probably be more effective as beating devices, than if I shot someone/something with them. ;)


New member
Does living in Kentucky and having windage adjustments count?:D

I had a revolver like that one time. I filed one side of the front blade and opened up the rear on opposite side of notch to correct that windage issue.. hpg
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New member
You can straighten it right up if you hold the gun like this..:D


serf 'rett

New member
Every fixed sights pistol I own, but no problem. I had years of training in Kantucky Windage with my BB gun which was missing the front sight. :D

Postscript: It does get tiresome explaining why the group is so far away from the bull when I'm testing a new batch of reloads. I also have to remember which pistol I'm shooting in IDPA - I collect plenty of hits on the non-threats when I forget that I'm using my 40S&W, which impacts 2-3 inches low, instead of my 9mm XDm which is 2-3 inches high. :eek:


You can straighten it right up if you hold the gun like this..

Happy MLK day.:eek:

The one you have to aim 3 inches right and 4 inches low to bring it on target.

Sounds like my Beretta Bobcat 21A 22lr to the inch. at 25 yards. 3" to the right and 4" low. I still can hit about half in an 8" circle and all on target (B27's).

In fact, I take my magic (Ha ha, I said magic) marker and make POA at 3" to right and 4" low with a large black dot. Closer in, it's not so bad.


New member
a taurus pt140 that consistently shoots about 2in to 8 o clock at 10yds. it was given to me by my uncle for free though so i cant complain too much