How many guns do you take to the range?


New member
For the life of me every time I want to go and just shoot one gun I end up with four or five. Thinking about shooting the AR when I realize that there are 500 rounds of 45LC that need to be shot. So I throw in the Vaquero and the Winchester 94. Now that I'm thinking about it, my truck gun is a Taurus titanium .45 LC and I probably need to shoot it some just to stay in shape.

Of course I have to bring the P228 because that is my primary carry piece and practice makes perfect. While I'm at it why not throw in the 92FS since it is the same caliber? And a range visit would not be fun without throwing in a .22 or two or three because the ammo is so inexpensive and with gas prices so high I need to justify the time spent at the range.

I've seldom made a range trip with one gun. Does anyone else have this problem, sickness, weakness, etc? :)


New member
My range sessions feel unnaturally short if I only bring one gun. Last time that felt normal was when I only had one gun.


New member
at least 2 each time. I have to justify the range fee, and that won't happen if I just shoot one gun.
Every time I go, I'll always fire my .22 because its fun and cheap


New member
Well, since I only own two, I bring them both. Although you can justify the cost of the rental fee by bringing more guns, I'd see it as more expensive since I have to buy ammo for all calibers to be shot that day. Reloading, unfortunately, isn't an option for me.


New member
At least two and usually three. Always a .22 (cheap to shoot) and then one or two 9mms or a 9mm and/or a 1911 Colt .45ACP


New member
Indoor range 2-3 pistols.

Outdoor range 2 rifles. I'd bring more if I could but the range charges an extra $13.00 PER RIFLE over the 2 rifle limit.:barf::barf:


New member
Usually 2, sometimes 3, rarely 1. Even though I regret not bringing just 1 every time when I have to clean them.


New member
Here, in the salt air, we have to clean and oil frequently. If I have to clean, I'm going to make it worthwhile! I often take a dozen or more (rifles included).


New member
I usually limit it to three handguns but it's not a hard and fast rule. This helps on the cleanup time since I clean each gun after shooting it.


New member
Usually about 5. I particurlarly work with one or two, then run a mag or two through the others to stay "current".
+1 on cleaning after each outing.

B. Lahey

New member
Today I took four and two of them broke. 1911 locked up (no I don't reload), it's at the smith now, CZ52 got a mag stuck in there some damn way and I didn't bring a pair of pliers to strip it out.

Not a good day at the range, I should have brought more.


New member
3 is average

Cleaning is a necessary evil right after. Usually on the picnic table next to the garage in this weather.:D


Unless I've got a newbie in tow who just wants to try everything, I pretty much never bring more than three (and more commonly two), any more and I'm not really gaining the benefit of experience with any of the guns I bring and I have to go through the trouble of cleaning them all.


New member
At least 2 as my wife normally goes with me. For myself, it is my carry gun and my fun gun(s). I bring whatever the wife wants to play with that day.

PS: By "play with," I mean "out-shoot most anyone the line with." :eek: Yes, she's pretty darned good.

Christian James

New member
Usually 2. I always take my 22/45 and a 1911. I'll occasionally take a .22 rifle. My friends at the range told me that my focus on my 1911s and a 22/45 is a big reason behind my improvement over the past year. They are of the opinion that a new shooter is better served by learning how to shoot one or two pistols well than constantly shuffling between several guns.