How many guns do you take to the range at once?


New member
I brought 3 my last trip, I must say I was tried of cleaning afterwards. I got home around 7 or so, had dinner, started cleaning around 9 and didn't finish till 3 am!. It takes me about 2 hours per gun(I watched a movie for each gun, finished near the end or during the start of next). I think I will only going to bring two guns from now on.


New member
I usually take 4-5 plus my recurve or compound bow. I also break up my time cleaning my guns over a couple of days.

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New member
Usually three. Occasionally four. Mainly for the same reason you mentioned. I feel compelled (OCD) to clean them after each session. And, that can take a couple of hours, sometimes longer.


New member
I usually take 2 or three to the handgun range and 3 or 4 to the rifle range. Take more to the rifle range because I go there less often.

I just can't put them away without cleaning them and four at a time is about as many as I want to do.


New member
depends on who I'm going with. Usually not more then 4 or 5 including shotguns and rifles. Shotgun does not get much of a work out since I don't hunt game anymore.


New member
You guys are gonna clean the a'cracy right out of them guns..;)

Clean 'em a little bit. Once in a while. Run a patch through the bore at the range. It's not the space shuttle.

Sgt Lumpy - n0eq


New member
That all depends on what I wanna do.

There's working on defensive pistolcraft, target work with handguns and rifles, sighting-in a hunting rifle or handgun, plinking for the fun of it, instructing a new student, testing ammo for velocity or for terminal ballistics...many possibilities.

Sometimes it's one, sometimes it is as many as ten.


New member
I took four last time, but I can't imagine how I could take 2 hours to clean one gun, let alone four, I think you're overdoing it.


New member
Remember the Mel Gibson Movie...

Desert Road Rage something or other... when he was entering some kind of event or building and the gatekeeper asks Mel to surrender any weapons he has on him and Mel starts to remove 5 minutes worth all kinds of hidden weapons? Well, that's me going thru the range bag.


New member
A thermos of coffee and 7 or more guns. I have no time limit and most times make a day of it. I always take my EDC a Glock 36 and S&W 638 and get some time in with them. I shoot mostly 38 spl and 45acp. After that comes 45 Colt, .357 mag and 9 mm.

I don't like chasing my brass so much anymore so only a few hundred 9mm and 45acp. Then come the revolvers in 38 spl, 357 mag, 45 acp and 45 Colt. Anywhere from 300 to 500 rounds get sent down range with the revolvers.

Always a good time had at range. I like to take breaks and watch other shooters while I drink some coffee. Some shooters are amazingly good and some are just trying to figure it out.
Always depends. If I'm alone, with the girlfriend, my friends..Used to take a whole bunch at a time. But cleaning afterwards literally took my whole day off. I focus on the ones I carry mainly.

SIG P220, P226 & Glock 19, 17, 21

I like to shoot my 1911's at the range a lot.

Lately? I've been shooting mainly the P220 and Glock 19

Depends where I'm going when I carry them. So I want to keep brushing up on them. I go at least monthly.

So I'd say 2-3 Maybe 1 if I'm alone. Maybe 2.

With my girl or friends 2-3 / 4-5


New member
2 hours to clean a gun?

field strip, bore snake thru the barrel, wipe down the rest with a silicone cloth, reassemble. done in 5 minutes.

you are over thinking this.