how many guns do you really NEED ?

S&W 24

New member
how many guns do you realy NEED ?

I was just thinking if I had a NEF combo in 30/06-12ga, an AR-7,
and a ruger blackhawk in 45 colt do I need anything else ? If I'm
hunting I can bag most game in the lower 48 with an '06 using accelorators and 165 gr ammo, I can nail anything that I want that flies with a 12 bore, and small game can be shot with light 45 colt ammo or the 22 lr. In defending the castle I can choose 6 rnds of 45 colt or 20 rnds of 22lr ( If you recieved 20 CCi stingers
to the cranium you would probably say a little more than oww quit it).


Moderator Emeritus
Well, let's see...

At least: one rimfire and one centerfire SA revolver, one of each frame size in a *&* DA revolver, a 1911, a Glock, some type of DA/SA auto or another, a shotgun of some sort, a .22 long gun, a bolt-action centerfire, a levergun, a semiauto rifle, a...


New member
S&W 24,

Need is a relative term when it comes to my guns. However, I will try to give you a realistic (for me) answer. BUT, If you ever tell my wife any of this, I will deny it and call you every dirty name I can think of! :eek:

I believe I could get by with 5. Not that I want to, but I could.

1. A .22 LR for small game and plinking - My choice would be a 10/22.

2. A 12 ga. Shotgun for birds and close encounters - My Benelli SBE would do nicely.

3. A handgun - I would probably pick a full size 1911 in .45 but a 4" .357 would be hard to argue with.

4. A battle rifle for fun and if TS ever HTF - I would take an FAL.

5. A LRPR for hunting - Just about any quality bolt gun with a good scope would do.

This would a be bare bones minimum, but I think these would fill just about everything I need a gun to do.

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Christopher II

New member
I added it up once, and came out with 28.

A lot of those are duplicates/spares, though. Discounting those, I could get by with nine.

- Chris


New member
My wife says that it's NOT a question of need. Why, because I just saw this awesome ___________ for cheap !!! Or this looks cool, I'll take it. It's a vicious never ending cycle. :D


New member
.... and this ar15, thats all I need..Oh yea and this 870 too.. the AR 15 and the 870 thats all i need. Oh yeah and this 686 .. The AR 15 the 870 and this 686 thats all I need and oh yeah this....

well u get the point :D :D



New member
I'd settle for one right now.

Then again, I'm in the UK where I'm obviously a commie mutant secret society member if I have so much as a single piece of empty .22 brass.


New member

M-1 Garand for serious long range work
30/30 or 35Rem calibre Marlin for mid-range mid-size stuff
.22 Rifle for small game [can u say "Ruger 10/22"]
Maverick/Mossberg Mdl 88 'cause everybody need a pump shotty
KP90 Ruger 45ACP for "inside the house" & CCW
357 Vaquero for "Single-Action Shootin' Iron" fun gun
38 snubby as a "last stand in the home" gun


New member
I don't think I realy need more than a shotgun (in 12 ga) for everything from ducks to Bambi (including HD), a K98 (in .30-06) for everything that is to big or to far away to bring down whith the shotgun, a semiauto handgun in .22lr for training and one in 9mm for fun, a SA revolver .44mag for long range fun, and a black powder SA revolver just for fun.

I would like to have more guns, but it is not that easy to find a reason the police accepts, becuse Norwegian law says:
- you must have a need for every gun you have
- you must use it regulary (not hard to follow)
- "militatry looking guns" or "military guns" not allowd for hunting.(no US carabines, no garands, no G3)
- no full auto
- 6 months waiting time for first handgun
- you can oly have one gun for one need (only one hunting rifle, only one shotgun etc)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
The answer is two identical small handguns (primary and backup)....and an involuntary donor of something more formidable. If we are truly talking about MEED, then it implies presence of hostile opposition and the pressing urgency to hunt its representatives for hides, guns and cessation of interference.

Everything else falls under the issue of wants. The antis really need to realize that a man with one or two guns is far more dangerous than a man with twenty. The former is far more likely to be on a war-path.