How many firearms do you own & why?

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I have 19 as of right now & I'm always looking for the next one. I'm not sure why because I only shoot two of the centerfires consistently. My 223 w/ a vx-II ao goes with me to work every day. When I go calling coyotes or the rare deer excursion I grab my 25-06. I spent a new rifle's worth on concert tickets from an ebay scalper as my wife's valentine's day present or I'd probably have bought my twentieth in the form of a savage axis 22-250 for a dedicated truck gun.
I guess my question is, "why have so many guns I never shoot?" I bought a 77/22 patterned the same as my centerfires and I plan to shoot it a lot as practice for my others. On the other hand, I have a 7mm mag I haven't shot since '04 when I went elk hunting. Some days I feel like I'm hoarding guns. I just bought a 270 even though I know it'll be shot or hunted next to never. For a long time, the idea of having the complete set of ruger skeleton stock stainless m77 mkII's (including 77 series rimfires) appealed to me. I have about half of them now but I really can't see any point anymore in having rifles just to say I have them. I had two AR-15's that fell into that category. I sold them both and don't miss them a bit. I could sell about half my rifles and it wouldn't matter at all. I could use that money to put excellent glass on the others and stockpile reloading components so I'd be set for a looooong time to shoot the ones I enjoy. But I probably won't let any of them go.
Any of you guys ride this train of thought from time to time?

The Great Mahoo

New member
I have several, for the same reason all of my hobbies lead to me having more that "enough". There are always new things that catch my eye and I can buy them, so I do.

Plus there is the fact that each does something a little bit different, and it is no wonder I keep collecting.

But above all, they make me happy!


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I have a decent number, but am always looking for just one more to complete my collection. I have only as many as my wife thinks I have....


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I've owned more than 100 in my time. At the most, about 30-35 at one time. Over the years I have sold or given away many. I have narrowed down my collection to 17. And that collection is designed around each weapon having a specific purpose. Therefor, I use ALL of them. That doesn't mean I shoot them all the time, just that they all have a specific purpose. Some people believe that the list can be shorter, with many weapons doubling for different purposes. They can, but I prefer specific uses for specific gun. And if you have the money to do so, then it doesn't really matter.

They are in 3 categories: Purposeful shooting; collector; and trading. The 2 that I have for trading, I'll eventually trade/sell for something else. In a true SHTF scenario, I'd probably unload MOST of everything to trade for things I might not have, but need. Can't carry all these weapons and ammo.

1. Savage 110e 7mm remington magnum: Big game hunting. Antelope-Moose, goat, sheep, etc... Mainly mountains and open plains.
2. Marlin 336 30-30: Brush deer gun, hog, javalina, etc...
3. Winchester model 190 22LR: Cheap fun, small game, Food survival if needed.
4. Dan Wesson 22LR Pistol: Same purpose as #3, but in a handgun
5. Remington 870 12 gauge 3" shotgun: Bird hunting, trap, home defense.
6. S&W M&P15 AR15: Varmints, cheap target practice, human survival if needed.
7. SigSauer P220 45acp: Half the year cold weather concealed carry self defense.
8. Kel-tec P11 9mm: Half the year warm weather concealed carry self defense.
9 AMT backup 380acp: Formal dress/summer shorts, concealed carry self defense.
10. S&W Model 13-1 357 magnum: Bedside Self Defense (Revolvers= Point and click when half asleep. Less brain power required)
11. CZ-82 9mm Makarov: Interchangeable with Kel-tec P11, but also a carry for my wife if we're both carrying.

1. 1954 H&R M1 Garand
2. Winchester 1943 M1 Carbine.
3. Model 1903 Springfield
4. 1851 Colt Navy Revolver (1856)

1. FEG AP-MBR 32acp (32acp version of PA-63 Walther PPK semi-clone)
2. Saiga .223: AK-47 variant in .223/5.56 caliber with AR15 magazine adapter

SHTF KEEP LIST: (NOTE: I believe that a true SHTF scenario is practically non-existent in our time. I don't plan for one. But some of my collection can double for it just in case)
1. S&W M&P15 AR15 .223/5.56
2. Winchester Model 190 22LR
3. Dan Wesson 22LR
4. S&W Model 13-1 357 magnum revolver
5. SigSauer P220 45acp
6. Kel-Tec P11 9mm
7. Remington 870 3" 12 gauge

Give remaining guns and associated ammo to family or close friends. Sell/trade the rest for items needed.


New member
I currently own 1 rifle that I haven't used yet. i'm new to hunting and firearms and I like to research guns before I buy them. I hope to add several bolt-guns, lever guns and shotguns in the future. I prefer quality over quantity

That'll Do

New member
I own a few rifles, and that's only because I just recently started shooting them. I own over a dozen handguns, simply because I enjoy shooting them. I might only shoot some of them once in a while, and some get shot every time I go to the range.

I don't believe that every gun I own needs to have a dedicated purpose, as long as I gain some sort of satisfaction from owning the gun. I compare to women and shoes/purses. Do you NEED 20 pairs of shoes or 10 different purses? Surely not, but if you enjoy it, so be it.


New member
The dedicated "Purpose" can simply be fun. Why do I have a restored 1966 Mustang? No other reason than fun. That's an acceptable purpose for owning guns. I'm 50 years old. After 100 guns, I've simply moved on beyond "Just Fun". That's the reason I've narrowed my collection down. I still have "Fun" with every one I shoot. But if I was going to sell, trade, wtc... all those guns; I wanted to have at least a collection that not only were fun; but also served a purpose. I guess a Desert Eagle or 50 BMG could be fun too, but for me, they serve no purpose other than fun. And I had plenty of guns in the past that were simply "FOR FUN". But as you grow older, things change. Finances, time, new priorities, etc... I no longer want or need to have 30-40 guns. So, I simply combine my "Fun" with purpose. Nothing wrong either way.

For a person just starting out with guns, I would say that they should aim for 5 specific guns to "Start" their collection. They are all fun, but also serve a purpose.
1. 357 magnum revolver. Great defense; can also shoot 38 special; isn't too expensive; can be used for both self defense and hunting. Easiest of all handguns to use. (Point and click) 3" barrel is perfect for concealed carry and home defense.
2. 22LR rifle. Very inexpensive. Great target and training. Ammo is $20 for 500 rounds. BEST SURVIVAL CALIBER ON THE PLANET.
3. 12 gauge shotgun. One of, if not THE BEST, home defense weapon possible. Also doubles for bird and small game hunting. Trap/Skeet is extremely fun.
4. AR-15 or AK-47 variant. Fun as all hell. Ammo is really cheap. ($4 a box of 20 for non-reloadable). Can shoot a lot of it. The ar-15 can also double as your 22LR if you spend $150 for a 22LR adapter. Then you can plink and shoot 22LR through it instead of having a 2nd rifle. Can also double for self defense or even hunting if needed.
5. If you're into hunting bigger game than birds or rabbits, then a longer range rifle chambered in either 7mm magnum or 30-06. Both have ammo plentiful. Fun to shoot. Excellent hunting. The edge goes to the 7mm magnum because it can literally shoot at almost any distance. But if you're not into 400+ yard shots, then the 30-06 would be just as good. If you're not into be game hunting, then this rifle isn't necessary.

But the first 4 would be a good starter collection for someone wanting to get into guns. All can be fun as hell to shoot, yet provide a needed purpose and use if needed. aND Between new and used, you can get that whole collection for about $1500 if bought all at one time.


New member
I own 12 firearms between rifles, shotguns and handguns. Why? Because I love to shoot. I love to hunt. And because the 2nd amendment says I have the right to. If someone breaks into my house, I have a plethora of different platforms and calibers to choose to defend myself with. Also, because being around guns, and talking about guns causes my brain to produce a chemical that feels like the valve on my adrenaline glands was just opened. And I can't walk into a gun store without at least buying something. (which about every 1 out of 4 times is a firearm) I love them.


New member
tragic canoe accident last year and I lost all of them except for my daisy red rider bb gun....

why a red rider? because I always wanted a gun that I could shoot myself in the eye with and be ok afterwards :D

Terry A

New member
I'm into double digets number wise.

Each one is special in it's own way.

I actually have 15-20 more on my "on deck" list, but I know that I'll never get several of them due to cost or other restrictions. The H&K MP5, for example.
But I'm plenty satisfied with the ones I have. And I'm thankful that I can have even one! Lot's of people in the world can't even own a gun. Sad.


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Not Enough

I currently only own two. A .22lr revolver because its fun and cheap, and a S&W 1917 because it's really cool and historic (but I still plan to shoot it some when i get the chance). The only reason I don't have more is because I can't afford any more yet. When I can, I'll get a small gun for CC (likely a snub-nose revolver, because I love DA revolvers) and then expand my list from there.


New member
The best part mdd is you do not have to justify to anyone how many you own. Just because you want it is good enough for everyone on here. But if you are having some internal struggle let me know I will gladly take some of the burden off your hands.


New member
How many firearms do you own? Not as many as I wish I did


why? Because "She who must be obeyed" encourages me to.
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