How many DCM/CMP Garands are left?


New member
Anyone have any idea of how long the supply of service grade M1 Garands at the CMP ( will last?

I'm trying to pace myself, but would hate to miss out by waiting too long.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. no, this question isn't addressed by their FAQ


New member
I'd like to know as well.

I want to wait until I've paid down my current purchases (AK-103K .. sweeeet). But then, I don't want to wait too long and miss out.

<wringing hands> What to do?!? </wringing hands>



Member In Memoriam
I heard a few months ago that they were down to 100,000 or in that general area. I do not know how many they average a day so its hard to say how long they will last.


New member
Mikul, you wrote:

"Demand for them is probably decreasing as the AR-15 is taking over the CMP".

Don't think so guy.... The M1-A/M14 "took over" from the Garand lotsa' years back, about 30 or so. The AR-M16 is now "taking over" from the M1-A/M14's in the winners column.

The Garand has always been pretty popular in highpower though, especially for newcomers to the sport. Easy availability and cheap price made that happen. You could spend your $165.00 (or whatever ludicrously low price it was, back in the DCM days) for a rifle, spend a few $100 more to get some accuracy work done, then you'd have a decent highpower target rifle.

To get a moderately competitive M14 type, you'd START with the spendy commercial M1-A, which hits you hard in the pocketbook whether you get an accurized version or not, THEN spend the money to get the accuracy. If you wanted to consistently shoot the higher scores than the M1 was capable of, this is what had to be done.

In the last few years demand for M1's has accellerated. Prior to about 1993 (when DCM was killed by the Klingtons) you could only get ONE DCM M1 in your lifetime. Now, with the new CMP, you can buy FIVE service grade M1's each calendar year. This highly increased availability has shooters & collectors out there scarfing them up as fast as they can allocate the money. The M1's are going out the door of the CMP's Anniston Armory at a pretty fast clip.

Add to this the recent addition to the CMP of the "John C. Garand" matches, for stock GI rifles only, you add even more demand for the old warhorse.

NOTE: I'm a relative newbie to highpower competition. Any old timer highpower shooters may take exception to the details of my above report. Any corrections to detail welcome....

My 2 pence...

3 gun

New member
CMP shoot

For anyone wanting a Garand through the CMP, Tusco Rifle Club in Ohio has added a match in April. See the posting in Locked & Loaded under Tusco March 25th.