how many CCW at once(mainly vehicle)


New member
Can the legally able qualified individual (CCW holder) have two revolvers fully loaded in his car during his/her trip with his/her family?? I would have one loaded revolver in the glove compartment and the smaller revolver in my pocket or the center counsel(loaded as well).

We already have a list of which states require&which don't require you to tell the officer you are carrying concealed if you're pulled over for a traffic stop as the main example. All of the states we're travelling thru recognize my legal CCW too.
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New member
LEOSA exempts you from the need for a concealed carry permit. You're carrying "on the badge" just like at home, the big difference is you don't have any police powers outside of your jurisdiction/state. I don't think it matters if you carry a piece on you and a second one in the vehicle as long as you advise where and when required.

If you're a cop, my best advise, if stopped, would be to behave the way you would expect a cop to behave if you stopped them where you work. I'd advise regardless of local law, be cordial and respectful, hand over your dept ID with your driver's license, registration, etc. Expect nothing, and be polite and grateful whether you get a ticket or a break, the guys just doing his job, just like you. DON'T be arrogant, DON'T badge the guy at first opportunity, DON'T ask for or expect a break, and remember, that like any other stop, YOUR behavior sets the tone for how things will go.

Of course, if you're respectful of local laws, reasonable about speed limits, and drive with courtesy and respect, chances are good you'll never have to worry about it. Right?

T B Good

New member
I live WA. There is no limit to the number. I got mine so I could go to the range with everything and not worry how anyone defines a loaded weapon.


New member
thats good. that way I can have both. I didn't want to do anything illegal. I know in NM you can't have more than one.


New member
As has been answered, it depends on the State...

I was recently pulled over in N.C. and did what I was taught to do in S.C. not verbally inform the officer but just hand him/her my CWP with my license... he informed me this was wrong in N.C. and I should have verbally told him I was carrying and where the handgun was...

I then told him I could not actually do that.... he asked why... and I said I had at least 4 guns in the front of the truck with me and I was not sure where they all were.

I still can't believe it, but I actually got off with only a verbal warning for speeding...


New member
What state are you in? Many are lenient on people traveling CC or not. You also don’t have to limit yourself to hand guns for “back up”.




In NM the extended domain principle applies to your vehicle- it is considered an extension of your home and anything you can do in your home is also acceptable in the vehicle.

HOWEVER, NM is one state that specifically only allows one CCW on your person at a time. It even says so on the license itself. There are references to old statutes but I have not been able to find actual copies of the old statutes nor find an explanation for the limitation.

In effect it nullifies the ability for civilians to carry a BUG.


New member
What state are you in?


Thats a Very Cool setup you've got there! We live in Virginia where my wife grew up, but I grew up in Taxachusetts(sorry, I do LOVE Mass Holes). We have to drive thru NJ, MD, CT and so-on. One cool thing is every state north of the carolinas that is on the east coast doesn't require you tell an officer after being pulled over. I know both SC&NC just below VA do.


New member
Unless you're a LEO, you can't carry in NJ. You can pack it up in a lockable case for transport but you ain't aint gonna get away with carrying.


New member
Ever had people in the car and they dont even notice?

Some have not noticed for a little while.

I think the biggest shocker was a State police officer that, after I showed him my CHL asked where my firearms were located and I told him one was next to my wallet, that I took my license from and there was another above me. He crotched down and after taking a good look at the muzzle of a suppressed 9mm SBR, said "Oh..." and took a step back toward the rear of the vehicle then proceeded with “The reason I pulled you over….”

Uncle Buck

New member
Missouri they do not care how many you have, they just do not want you overloading the vehicle.

I have a buddy that carries quite a few gun, both cased and concealed in his car. I swear the extra weight is going to wear the car out.

Jmorris: I had a set up like that when I was younger. We made it in the hgh school metal shop, with the teachers help. (Now that was a long time ago.)


New member
Just remember if you have one in the car, everytime you step out, for gas, food, bathroom, and leave the gun in teh glove box or somewhere in the car, and the rest of the passangers do not have a ccw permit, then they are illeagaly conclealing a handgun at that point. This happened recently in my area, someone kept their pistol in the center console, he parked behind his wife, so she took his truck to the store, got pulled over, they found the gun, and she was arrested.


New member
If I had to carry a poop pot full of guns to CC, I'd re-think my carry gun. I'd find one more reliable.

I don't feel the need to carry a back up for my 642 (pocket carry). I've fired thousands of rounds through it and it never failed to go "bang".

If there was a place where I needed that many guns, I'd stay home. I'm not a cop or soldier anymore, so I don't plan on assualting anything. I'll leave that for the cops and soldiers.

The only exception to the above, is if I'm hunting, then I have a rifle for any game I may be hunting. For SD, I feel comfortable with only my 642. Nor do I change the way I carry, be it vehicle, MC, boat, or whatever, I pocket carry.


New member

hey guyz, thanx for the input. yeah we are speaking of two loaded revolvers here when I talk about my trip. I have a taurus cia650 .357 magnum 5 shot 2inch barrel and a ruger gp100 .357 magnum 6 shot 6 inch barrel. my CCW is obviously the 2" but I did just order a Nice leather holster from for the ruger. at the very least it can sleep in the

yes, it is illegal technically but in your buddys situation 'patrolgroup' she was actually driving when he left the car for a few minutes- thats different in my book but I know technically it might not be. that is a real good point though because its important to know the rules. I want to take both for this trip at least this time so thats what I am going to do. I have a pocket folding knife but I am 99.999%positive its legal everywhere but what is the deal with knives and stuff? I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think you can tell the officer, "Well Sir, I am putting my fixed blade knife under my LEOSA or my state permit to carry." you cant do that right? I am not bringing my bigger fixed blade knife but I did wonder about it especially since I carry my ruko pocketknife for getting knots, opening boxes, etc. its a buck 110 lookalike. does the ccw cover it? another good point is we have four firearms total: rifle, shotgun, + 2 revolvers. well one revolver is registered to my wife and the other to me. I think CCW is ok for me though since LEOSA. I think(key word think) that either one is ok for me. my ccw 2" is registered to me which helps since thats the one I carry most of the time
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