How many 1911's does one guy need?


New member
I still dont know the answer... People tell me i am crazy to keep buying them...

How many of 'em do you other 1911-philes have?


New member
How Many 1911`s

You can`t be too rich, too good looking, or own too many 1911 45`s. My wife hears that all the time, 9 on hand and still shopping.....
My former father-in-law had between 300 and 400.

He collected them. He had some pretty unique factory variations, but also the ones that he shot regularly.

The only reason I miss his daughter is because of the guns I would have gotten... :)


New member
Mike, that is funny! Really, the girl ain't worth it. That reminds me of a story... the guy was looking for a wife and advertised for one who could cook, clean, and had a bass boat. He requested the applicants send a picture of the boat.

1911s? I have Colt Gomit Models in 45, 38 Super, 10mm; Commanders in 45 and 9mm; and Gold Cups in 45 and 10mm. Still looking for more...:D


New member
I topped out at 11... then bought my first Glock.

Still have the Glock... :rolleyes:

So, for me th answer is... none, zip, zilch, nada,

You enjoy though! :D

George Helser

New member
Why do you need a M1911?

How many cars do you own that were designed in 1911?

45 ACP 230 gr ammo is tops for suppressed shooting but the M1911 was not designed for that!

Trade in your M1911s for a newer/better handgun! Also consider a more effective cartridge.

In sunny Arizona


New member
How many?

After careful market research and some serious soul searching, I have concluded that I need about thirty...or forty. This estimate will probably rise as new models come onto the market.:D

Currently have two. Would buy two more immediately if funds were available.


New member
To paraphrase Sen Gramm of Texas when asked about gun ownership. I have more than I need, but not as many as I want.


New member
Well, I would say that everybody needs at least one, but it's sorta like guns in general - you can never have too many!

Of course, these rules only apply to metal guns - plastic crunchenticker's need not apply.... :D


New member
I only have two, a stainless Kimber Gold Match, and a Kimber Royal Carry (blued officers' size).


Staff Alumnus
Why do you need a M1911?
For me, the 1911 is the absolute best tool for target shooting and competition shooting due to its ergonomics and trigger pull. Why should I compromise my scores and possibly a defensive situation with anything less then what I'm comfortable with?

How many cars do you own that were designed in 1911?
What does this have to do with guns? Books were invented how long ago? How about we get rid of them and utilize audio books instead? :rolleyes:

45 ACP 230 gr ammo is tops for suppressed shooting but the M1911 was not designed for that!
... and every .45 ACP firearm needs a suppressor?


BTW, that's what my H&K USP Tactical is for...

Trade in your M1911s for a newer/better handgun! Also consider a more effective cartridge.
More effective cartridge? Tell that to the veterans who have utilized the 1911 in combat. Tell that to Clint Smith and numerous other professional trainers.



New member
Still laughing about George's answer.....

My gasoline engine was designed before the turn of the LAST century.

230g bullets are optimal from my personal antique launch platform.

Newer/better........hmmmmm............what, exactly, might that be?
What would be better than my 100% reliable stunningly accurate 1911 (Caspian, of course)?

Many "newer" choices, but what makes THAT better?

Better? What would make ANY handgun better? More bullets? Lighter? Different caliber? Manufacturer?

Is my 100% reliable unbelievably accurate 9x19 Witness better? It's 'newer, holds more bullets, and was designed in the last century......

See, still laughing..........


New member
What do people care if I choose to defend myself with an antique design?! I guess you better stop using a knife too! The thing is, I went from Beretta, Sig, and HK and finally discovered the awesome qualities of the 1911. I have 4 and am currently working on 5, 6, and 7. UNFORTUNATLY they are quickly escalating in $$$:( :D