How long until the assault weapons ban is back


New member
I have a funny feeling that after 2008 election the Assault weapons ban may come back. Is that changing anyone's buying habits?? Do you think High cap Mags will get more expensive as we get closer to 2008?


New member
I certainly don't think that it is out of the realm of possibility...but in the big picture, gun control has been a dead issue for a while now...politicians are too afraid to tackle it (from either side).

They know that taking on the issue means that they will immediately and irrevocably lose votes since it is such an emotional issue. Plus, I think that even anti-gunners are realizing (whether they admit it or not) that gun control really doesn't curtail crime. It takes some people (typically liberals) longer to figure out the obvious. Go figure...


New member
If the Democratic party gets back in power, which is a distinct possibility, we will see a resurgence of gun control laws including a new AWB that will make to last one seem mild. A snake is a snake.

I am no fan of Bush and the Republicans but they at least cater to the gun owners for the votes.

I do not even trust the Repubs, Giuliani is flying high in polls and is an Anti. Worse than Clinton.

If Rudy runs against Hillary we loose either way.

Best we can hope for is a grandfather clause, buy your stuff now while you can.


New member
We are one election away from getting another AWB or possibly worse. All it's going to take to get another AWB on the books is for power in the Congress to shift.

Since the ruling party has been doing a bang-up job of screwing up everything they touch, that shift will occur next election.
We could conceivably see Duhbya signing a new AWB that he pledged to do.


New member
I don't believe the dems, Feinstein, CLINTON, Kerry, Kennedy have given up at all. They want another AWB and much more! Turn em all in Mr and MRS America.

Their smart, and patient. GWB is setting the stage for a big Dem win. I lost most faith in GWB this past year, what a dissapointment.


New member
Best we can hope for is a grandfather clause, buy your stuff now while you can.
Used to be a time when I viewed statements such as this as neanderthal and overly paranoid. At our present time in history, I feel like I should start subscribing to that thought process. Good ol' Dubya really messed things up for us, right now and in the future.


New member
Agree GWB has paved the dems road to the white house but I don't necessarily see more gun control.

The politicians will push it only where it helps them and even in the blue states it has never helped them much.

I see the plate more than full with the global economy, terrorist stuff, asian politics (China), southern hemisphere politics (Venezuela, Cuba, etc.), huge budget deficits, SS and energy costs. Besides, gun control is down and so is crime. Hard to make an arguement that gun control makes the public safer with those statistics plus terrorists running loose.

I'm much more concerned about what the dems will do about the things I listed above. I fear they will see the baby-boomer's retirement savings as their next plunder.


New member
That is my thoughts. There is no Democrat out there that is pro-guns that will run for President and the biggest Republican canididates Rudy G and McCain are anti-gun. I hope your right that gun control is on the political backburner for now, but who know what would happen.


New member
Is that changing anyone's buying habits??
It has changed mine a little bit. I made it a point recently to puchase an AK and an M-16 with multiple extended mags for them as well as ammo. I also keep a sharp eye out for anything that might be taken from me in the future and might go the extra mile to make a purchase knowing full well that it might be my last chance to do so.


I will buy a .50BMG the week before they are banned. .50BMG AP ammo too.

I will buy .30 caliber AP rounds the week before they are banned. I can currently buy them for a decent price from Wideners, so I figure I don't need them now.

Basically, once I hear of any legislation proposed, I will place an order.

Until then, it all stays sporting and hunting related.


New member
"How long until the assault weapons ban is back"

Where I live it never left! The "sun" never "set" in NY State. No where's that crying face icon :(

- Pete45


New member
Those of you who think that gun control is "on the back burner" should pay attention to California, New York and New Jersey. Gun control is very much alive and new laws are on the books in those states.

roy reali

New member

Good points! I am afraid that everyone in a state that has reasonable gun laws is smug. They chose to ignore folks like us in California. Our state will affect heir gun buying habits sooner then they expect.


New member
I agree...what's that saying?

"As goes California, so goes the U.S."

Or something like that...I certainly hope it is not true...


New member
I agree, I had a friend from NJ come out and shoot with me here in PA. I took out my 17 round magazine and he just sighed :(


New member
That is a primary concern of mine. I read in SAR that a company is making C drums for Fal's. They will be expensive, but I intend to buy a couple. History repeats itself in a disgusting rhythm.


It's not going to come back. Last time it cost the Democrats control of Congress - and even they aren't stupid enough to have forgotten that.


New member
I'm far less certain that restrictive laws would necessarily creep across state lines.

New York's Sullivan law has been around since 1911. The state as a whole has had pretty draconian handgun laws for as long as I can remember - that'd be the '60's :eek:

95 years and they haven't managed to export the paranoia across a relatively skinny lake Champlain to Vermont.

There was a time when every new experimental educational protocol in California spread like wildfire into flyover country. Unless I am very much mistaken, those days are gone.

We've already had an AWB that came and went offering no discernable difference between the time it was in effect and not. We can rely on politicians and the media to forget but we'll remind them: we tried it; it didn't do anything other than sell a bunch of guns.

A number of states have gone "shall issue". New handgun controls will be difficult to pass in any of these. The antis are in a position of having to roll back our gains before they can get to the chewy center.

Tilting at "assault weapons" and BMGs is the result of failing miserably at their primary goal of banning handguns. The fight shifts. Still, I don't see California's issues on EBR's having any more effect than New York's defacto handgun not-quite-a-ban (permit required to purchase).

Hopefully, the handgunners and shotgunners won't throw the EBR / BMG crowd under the bus in a manner reminiscent of 1994. I doubt it though: hard not to notice the similarities between the ban dejour and one's duck gun. I really wish Brady and VPC had been more vocal about Cheney's accident - coud've done more to mobilize the shotgunners than any other single event.

Personally, I think another AWB would need some blood for the pols to dance in. I wonder how easy it is to sleep at night knowing your cause can't be advanced without someone killing a bunch of school kids? Ghoulish way to live one's life.

Master Blaster

New member
It's not going to come back. Last time it cost the Democrats control of Congress - and even they aren't stupid enough to have forgotten that.

Yes they are, they will see their election as a mandate to pass the most onerous gun control we have ever seen. Every semi auto will be banned every one, even your marlin model 60 and your 10/22.

My guess is 2009 is when the next one will get passed and signed into law. And our fellow gunnies, READ the HUNTERS who only HUNT and see no need for a baby killin assault rifle will help get it passed.

Count on it.