How long do you keep a firearm?

How long do you hang onto a gun?

  • Only a few months

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Less than a year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A few years

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • Rarely/Never sell them

    Votes: 90 83.3%
  • Keep it until I can trade it towards a good deal!

    Votes: 10 9.3%

  • Total voters


New member
As I poke around in the For Sale forums, I notice that it seems like every gun only has "100 rounds!" through it. Do people really get bored of their guns that quickly?

So, how long do you hang onto your guns for?


New member
The only "100" round gun that I got rid of

Was one that was fired 200 times and bullets only came out 100 times,
S&W Walther PPKs


New member
maybe there are 2 kinds . . .

kind one: buys a gun, likes it, keeps it.
kind two: buys a gun, doesn't, doesn't.

Not to start a fight but it may be that a lot of people buy guns only after taking a lot of time and effort thinking through their decision, trying and asking to see if they like the gun, then buy it. These people are likely to hold on to the gun. I'm this kind, because I don't have much money to spend and have to work hard to get it.

Others may not consider so carefully, and end up buying a gun they don't like. Maybe they didn't have time to research, maybe they got a bad specimen, maybe they bought before test firing or even holding the gun, either because they were offered a (maybe not so-) good deal or because they had it shipped. But whatever way they were purchased, I'd bet that a lot of those sold with between 10 and 50 rounds through them are these types of guns - the buyer wasn't sure, and got a gun they ended up unhappy with in the first place. They may not have intended to buy it to sell.

Oh, there's a third type. The Dealer. He's in it to buy and sell stuff, and happens to like guns.


New member
I have kept every gun so far, I still shoot them all. Some are horribly inaccurate, others put holes inside of holes. I was asked at the range today about one of my .22's. Told the guy it could shoot six inch circles clamped in a vise at 50 yds.....He asked why I don't get rid of it. Said "don't know.....Probably never will." Heck if I know why, but I am never gonna get rid of it....


New member
Well, when I started gathering guns I wanted a LOT of guns. I had a lot, and had spent a good bit of money. Then I decided I was better off to have a smaller collection of very good guns, so I thinned the herd and bought higher quality guns in lesser quantities. Now I very seldom sell unless the gun was bought at a great price as potential trade bait. Trade bait ranges from good to great guns. I shoot them, evaluate and then if something I want more comes along I send them off. I can't think of one gun I own right now that I am interested in selling.

I suspect that a lot of the guns you see with low round counts are from guys that don't have a lot of money. They can't afford the whole $400++++ for the new gun they want, so they sell off one they aren't crazy about to fund the purchase. Also very few gun owners shoot their guns heavily, so low round counts are very common in used guns.

Then there are always the guys with beat up guns claiming less than a box through them too.........


I used to be the type to keep every gun that I ever bought but in the last year I have sold a Kel-tec .40 and a Taurus .357. Both were for the same reason, they didn't have a true hammer. I am a person that if a gun doesn't have a hammer then it's not for me. I tried to push that aside and bought these but, I just can't do it (it's a just me thing).

Also, I had other problems with them. The Kel-Tec had a long trigger pull which I could have lived with but it had a long reset for the trigger. Follow up shots, if taken too quickly, didn't reset the trigger.

The Tauras had a "pause" in the trigger pull that I didn't like. Sure, I could have had the trigger redone but I didn't.

The only gun that I truly regret selling is my M1. Made by GM. I still kick myself for that one... geez, what the heck was I thinking!


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Well, I've been on both sides of the fence. Early on, I kept one long
enough to play with; then moved it along to finance another gun
project, as money was tight. Its still tight today, but I very rarely
get rid of a good gun; as I can usually find some use for them.

Best Wishes,


New member
No vote.

Didn't see an option for me. It depends on the firearm. I have some that will never get sold, some only owned for a few months, and some that are in the middle, and may be trade fodder, or may not.

Just depends on how one fits me.


New member
With the three handguns I have now, I cant immagine selling any of them. The Ruger .357 Blackhawk was my father's and my first shooter as a young man, The SIG P226 resides in the code access safe by my bedside and I trust my life to it, and my new SA 1911 Mil-spec is the base for tinkering and I'm good for now. Funny thing is... I have seem posts by some folks on the site where they write that a particular pistol or revolver has "sat in the safe" for a long time. Unless it's collectable or sentimental....why hold on? Trade up to something you enjoy! Bear in mind.. I am still a "pup" when it comes to this hobby of shooting. Comments?....

chris in va

New member
With me, I 'research' a gun I'm interested in, go rent it and buy if I like it. Then after finding out 1000 rounds later it's not what I thought, I turn in for consignment and get another, hopefully better one.

I lose some money that way, but oh well.

Jungle Work

I don't sell my firearms, unless it is broken and can't be fixed or I nor anyone else can get it to run. That's the reason I have three big safes full.

Jungle Work


New member
Some pistols I keep forever

Some I buy and they do not turn out to be all that I thought

Or something comes along that I want more

I don't have a nearby range that rents everything


New member
I've only found one place that would let me test fire a gun before purchasing, and only if it was used. And they changed their policy and don't do it anymore. So for me, alot of the guns I have owned then traded off were ones I had no choice but to purchase before I could shoot them.


New member
Ya the only gun i was sorry i bought was my mini 14.. i love the gun i just wish i would have saved up enought for something with more bang..
But as far as selling it..not on your life! :rolleyes:
IM starting to regret buying my sks now as i hate cleaning it.. three days and im still not done.. :D


New member
Sell? I guess I've sold a few, but none that I miss. OTOH, some of my guns I've had more than 40 years. JT


I buy some firearms to keep, and others to "test drive". The test guns might become keepers, or just a data point to pass on to someone who'll appreciate them.

Most of the keepers I was pretty sure about from the get go.


New member
The only gun I ever sold was my original 92F Berretta. Broke my heart. But a move to the east coast and no bucks forced me to sell. Now I have since rebuilt my collection (including a replacement for the famed 9mm), and do not intend to sell any of my collection.