How long did it take you?


New member
Just curious. How long did it take everyone to start reloading after they started shooting?

I went through that period of excuses, too, for a few years. How many times does someone tell you not to buy a gun and the only reason is ammo expense? Well, I used to be that guy...

For me, it's was about 10 years.


New member
33 years.

I would save money for reloading equipment till I had enough money for a new gun.

I sure wish that I hadn't been so stupid. With the money saved by reloading, one can easily save for the next gun.


New member
One Month. 2 of my rifles have never nor will ever see a store round. It was a have to do thing if your going to shoot. That excuse worked very well with the wife. I just explained the savings to her and that was all it took. Don't count time shooting 22.
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chris in va

New member
8 years. Once ammo got insanely expensive, I started looking into a cheap reloading setup. Still use my Hand Press three years later.

Lost Sheep

New member
The first 6 rounds

The first six rounds I fired through my Dan Wesson Model 15 (my first gun) 3 were my reloads and 3 were those which my instructor loaded while showing me the ropes. The next 50 were factory.

When I bought my gun, I knew I would be reloading for it. When I bought my press, the guy who sold it to me showed me (with narration and question time) how to load 3 rounds. Then I loaded the next three (with me narrating and answering his questions). Took about an hour, maybe 45 minutes or maybe longer.

After that, the only factory ammunition I bought (aside from 22 rimfire) were to replenish or increase my supply of brass.

Lost Sheep

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
28 years? Depends on when you start counting. I've been shooting longer than my oldest memories. I'm 37 (today ;)), so I've been shooting at least 32 years. Been reloading 2-ish. So... Somewhere between 28 and 32 years.


New member
I started shooting at about age 5.

In my early twenties I bought a turret press. It was painfully slow to load 50 rounds of 9mm.

I eventually discovered Dillon made a progressive reloader, bought the 550 model and stuff to load several calibers; then I could load 500 rounds in less time than it had taken me to load 50 before.

Lost Sheep

New member
How much did it hurt?

Mello2u said:
I started shooting at about age 5.

In my early twenties I bought a turret press. It was painfully slow to load 50 rounds of 9mm.

I eventually discovered Dillon made a progressive reloader, bought the 550 model and stuff to load several calibers; then I could load 500 rounds in less time than it had taken me to load 50 before.
My first press was a single stage. I could load 50 rounds an hour, easily, weighing each charge. I must have a much higher tolerance for pain than you.

Eventually I moved to Lee Pro-1000 presses which I found too painful for other reasons.

I guess we have different tolerances for different characteristics. That is what makes for a great economy. Choices, and diversity.

Lost Sheep

Prof Young

New member
Couple years

I don't recall exactly, but it was a couple years in to my hunting when I bought a 44 mag for the now defunct handgun season for white tail in IL. A good hunting round was 80 cents. I bought the most simple reloading stuff from Lee. It didn't ever require a press. Started doing the 44. Now have a single stage press, primer tool, case tumbler etc and I load 45 colt, 44 mag, 9 mm, and 223. Pretty much enjoy it and means I can afford to shoot a lot more.
Live well, be safe.
Prof Young

Ideal Tool

Hello, testuser..I started out shooting .22 rimfires..then Granfather gave me an old hammer 12 ga. with a Lee-loader, couple bags of shot, cardboard & felt wads & 1/2 can of Red Dot...showed me how everything worked in an afternoon..I was out shooting re-loads next I guess for was the same time!


New member
my father put a gun in my hand when I was 4 years old,(Ruger Bearcat)and I started handloading at the age of 27 so,,,,,,,,,,,23 years.:eek:


New member
Can't remember, other when I got my .357 Blackhawk as a teen around1 1980 or so, it wasn't much later that I started reloading too. Can't remember the last time I bought any factory ammo other than .22.


New member
I've been a "couple boxes a year" shooter since I was about 12, but it wasn't until I was 38 or so that I started shooting a lot. That, coupled with the 2008/2009 ammo shortage around the same time, is what got me started reloading.

Don H

New member
1 box of .357 magnum. 1966. Purchased a Lee Loader to reload that box and haven't purchased much in the way of manufactured ammo since.