How is this for a future test... Overpenetration test...


Staff In Memoriam
So instead of how many layers of drywall a payload of lead can penetrate we need science to intervene...

First we need to replicate a real exterior wall in all forms and materials... COMPLETE WITH INSULATION AND EXTERIOR VENEER MATERIAL...

Set up a chrony system on the exit side... Now fire various rounds thru it... Now we have a velocity, projectile weight and cross section dimension and shape...

Now we need to load a similar "model" into launching barrel that can precisely launch these models at the speed they exited the first wall...

Now we can fire at walls from outside to determine if these lead projectiles can penetrate and with the chrony system now on the "interior" side, we would know, to an extent, the efficacy of them...


.45 COLT

New member
First we need to replicate a real exterior wall in all forms and materials... COMPLETE WITH INSULATION AND EXTERIOR VENEER MATERIAL...
OK, done that.....

Set up a chrony system on the exit side...
I don't believe that part's going to work out.



New member
Set up a chrony system on the exit side...

Man, I can hardly keep from shooting my chrony when I can see the darned thing. Hate to think what would happen to it in that scenario.


Staff In Memoriam
While the chrony concept is out of range for most casual shooters, I am sure someone has a unit that would do it...

But i really wanted to point out the serious flaws in trying to use sheets of gyp board 4-6 inches apart to determine if overpenetration into a neighbor's home nextdoor is a risk to worry about...

What I really wanted to bring up is the downrange penetration capability of a deformed projectile with overall velocity severely dampened by the first wall set it penetrated...



New member
It would be a better simulation for something like a cheap apartment, the sort of place you hear your neighbors every move. Two sheets of drywall and some insulation.

I remember a story about an apartment complex where someone on a lower floor had a rifle go off and the bullet went through the ceiling of their apartment, through the floor of their upstairs neighbor and then into a cat, which was fatally wounded.

I would be interested in seeing the results of someone building a simulated exterior wall in several common residential exteriors and placing ballistics gelatin on the other side of the wall. It would give you an idea of the lethality of the shot as it exits. Another wall built the same way behind it at a "very close neightbors" distance and see what it does to that wall.


New member
not sure about all cases buy i live in a house and all outside walls have brick so i would think it would be hard pressed for 00buck to do much damage once it and if it penetrated the drywall inside and the exterior gyp board and brick outside...i think i would feel safe on either side of the wall as far as a shotgun blast goes. i keep slugs in my home defense riot shotgun!! and no i don't worry about over penetration why i have insurance!!


New member
If you are really worried about your Children's rooms its quite easy to bullet resist a room with loaded book shelves. Go behind a judges bench sometime. Well around here anyway you will find them loaded with old law books. Bigger areas may have more high tech bullet proofing lol.


New member
No matter what you shoot in your house in a defensive situation you have to always keep in mind where that shot may go, children's rooms, neighbors houses , etc.


New member
wow what are you guys shooting? ever shot a book?
as a drywall-er of over 25 years i know all about Sheetrock and no it wont stop buck shot, but a wall that consists of two layers of drywall and if a stack of books were placed on other side i would be hard pressed to think it would not stop a .33 cal. pellet then again i wouldn't put a child's life at risk to prove that!
it seems every few weeks we discuss the over penetration thing and we go back and forth some have even said place a stack of dimes in a shell. I am kinda tired of this really. Use your best judgment and hope you never have to find out. and if you are scared of over penetration get a sword there is no right answer i use slugs and 00buck i have no children or others in the house.