How is the ruger lcr being carried?


New member
I am somewhat more than interested in purchasing a NIB Ruger LCR but I want to see how those who have already purchased this little revolver are carrying it. IWB, OWB, or pocket or whatever? I would appreciate particuarly hearing from those who are now carrying the LCR but any and all are sure welcome to comment as ideas are always good here. :D


New member
Its in my pocket when my shirt is tucked in. This is in dress pants. It wouldn't fit in my jeans.

Its about as big as I could go as a pocket gun, but its so light I can't really tell its there.


New member
Well, I'm not carrying it right now, because I'm in my office and can't carry here. It's locked in my truck in the pocket holster from that I carried it in this morning and will carry it in again this afternoon on my way home.

When I'm not pocket carrying it I like to belt carry it OWB with a Don Hume JIT slide made for the SP101. Fits the LCR like it was made for it.

As the previous poster said, I cannot pocket carry the LCR in jeans, it's just too big. But it fits the pockets of my khaki's and shorts nicely. I'm particularly fond of Columbia ROC khakis and shorts as they have generous pockets for concealed carry and the belt loops that normally fall at 3 and 9 o'clock are shifted slightly rearward, allowing for better use of OWB holsters.


New member
When I'm not pocket carrying it I like to belt carry it OWB with a Don Hume JIT slide made for the SP101. Fits the LCR like it was made for it.

This is a really good bit of information for me. I have a Ruger SP-101 with a number of holsters that fit it. :D


New member
I am carrying it right now in a Safariland pocket holster previously purchased for a j-frame Smith. The LCR carries nicely in the pocket, and the holster fits it perfectly.



New member
This is a really good bit of information for me. I have a Ruger SP-101 with a number of holsters that fit it.

For the most part they seem to be pretty compatible. I've got 3 SP101's now plus the LCR. I have a serious case of Ruger DA revolveritis. :D.

There was (not sure if it's still there) a holster fit chart on when the LCR was first introduced that had a list of known holsters that fit. Some SP101 models and some j-frame models were listed.


New member
According to Chelsea Handler, a very large individual tried to sneak a pistol into a jail by hiding it in one of his "folds" and got caught. Hid 2 magazines in another fold on the other side.
That's the way I'd carry my LCR, but you know it could be lost forever also.......


New member
Actually the gravity enhanced individual didn't "try" to get the gun into jail, he did. News reports indicate that the gun was found when the inmate voluntarily admitted to having the gun during a shower break.
The 500-pound man was searched during his arrest and again at a city jail and the county jail, but officers never found the weapon in his rolls of skin.



New member
dairycreek.....unless you're "gravity enhanced" and can't afford a holster:)
couldn't resist......
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New member
In jeans or Docker's something like this:



In cargo pocket I'm carrying in a design similar to this one:




New member
+1 for the RKBA pocket holster from our own Steve McElroy. He makes the finest pocket holsters I've seen.

Indeed. That first model pictured in his post is what I use for my LCR.

Today I'm carrying my LCP in this rig from him:


Today just felt like a .380 kinda day.......


New member
Ankle holster for me. Must be something about my body type and clothing that always exposes a large block-like figure on my torso during any type of waist carry. That aside, I must say I almost totally forget I'm carrying an LCR -it's so toy-like.