how holster draw a 1911?


New member
I'm used to carrying an HK P2000 or Glock (i.e. no safeties) so my normal draw and fire motion is:

1) Place weak hand mid torso
2) Grasp pistol grip with strong hand
3) clear pistol from holster
4) bring pistol to weak hand
5) get 2 handed grip on pistol
6) extend both arms to point pistol at target

I decided to start carrying my 1911 (decided I should just start carry my favorite range gun the TRP PRO) but i have problem when practicing holster draws. Based on the steps above which step should I click off the safety? At the range I don't practice holster drawing with the 1911.

Since I haven't developed the muscle memory yet I want to practice the "right way".



New member
I don't carry my 1911 much anymore, but when I did, it was carried IWB, cocked and locked with a thumb break secured beneath the hammer. I would say between your steps 5 and 6 would be the best time to flip it off. My idea is that you would then have a firm grip on the pistol with the target/BG in sight and not subject yourself to a possible AD.
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New member
Metellus, . . . your first 6 are my first 6:

1) Place weak hand mid torso
2) Grasp pistol grip with strong hand
3) clear pistol from holster
4) bring pistol to weak hand
5) get 2 handed grip on pistol
6) extend both arms to point pistol at target
7) deactivate safety
8) move right hand thumb BELOW* the safety

*There are those who disagree with this, . . . but I was taught to do it this way so if there is a need to reapply the safety, . . . it's just a "thumbs up" move and it is done.

*A secondary reason is that due to the configuration of my .45 and my hand, . . . I cannot fully depress the grip safety every time. That makes my pistol a short, double handed club, of dubious ability.

May God bless,


New member
You flip the safety off as you bring the weapon up to eye level, with your finger still outside the trigger guard. When you lower the weapon from eye level, the safety goes back on.

Obviously, during up close hip shooting, you have already decided to shoot and you flip the safety off as soon as you clear leather.


New member

based on this advice i'll switch the safety off after step 5. (when i switch the saftefy off my thumb naturally falls below the safety anyway). then after saftety is off extend both arms to aim.

although not the best i can see where you might need to shoot at step 5 before extemding arms to start aiming (i.e. got rushed and BG is very close etc..)



New member
I'd change "bring pistol to weak hand" to "bring weak hand to pistol"; you don't want anything to divert you from getting the gun into action, so "bring" the off hand. Flip the safety off as soon as the gun is pointed "downrange"; you don't want to practice "waiting" to flip off the safety, as you want to be able to fire as soon as you can acquire the target (which may be so close that you will not extend your arms before firing). I have the safety off at about 4.5, as my thumb sweeps the safety off AS I'm assuming my two-handed grip.