How far, exactly, is a "click"??


New member
I hear the term from time to time in war movies, mostly Vietnam movies, and I have a hypothesis as to what it means... but have never really heard a definition...

Brian Gibbons

New member
Popular Canadian Usage ...

1. Yea, I got nailed yesterday for doin' thirty 'klics' over the limit!

2. Great, it's only two-and-half 'klics' to the Tim Hortons'!

3. Did you see that Mountie ehhh? He was doin' about 170 'klics'!

4. Pick us up a two-four of 'Blue', the LCBO is only 'half-a-klic' up the road ... (Ontario Usage Only).

Make sense now???


I believe he is refering to Labatts Beer brewed in Canada since 1847, I believe.The Canadians, brew some of the finest Beer the world.But, I personally quit drinking five years ago,and have not touched a drop since, I started carrying ....:(

Lord Grey Boots

New member
Half a click = 500 meters, (say 550 yards).

LCBO = Liquor Control Board Outlet...

two-four= What Canadians call a case of beer. Holds 24 cans.

Blue= Labatt's Blue. (never the same since the short bottles went away..)


New member
LCBO = Liquor Control Board of Ontario

I also like the OPP = Ontario Provincial Police

You down with OPP? Yeah, you know me!



New member
Just curious. How many fellow vets out there still remember how many steps it takes them to walk a click? For some reason, the number 1710 sticks out in my mind, but I can't remember if it is exact or not.

The things we remember from land nav....

Oh yeah, remove your "steel pot" before sighting down a compass.


New member

"How many fellow vets out there still remember how many steps it takes them to walk a click?"

Seems to me I remember doing 115 paces for 100 meters, or 1150 for a klick. Talk about going back....


New member
Having spent my time in armored cav units, I didn't have to count steps like the ground pounders so a klick to me was a few minutes down the road, trail or thru the bush.

Larry Wright

New member
I've always used roughly 0.6 miles for kilometer. A klick is also the size of the length of the sides of the boxes that make up the 1:50,000 scale maps that most non-digitized use in the field.


New member
1 kilometer (klick) = 0.62 miles

1 mile = 1.60 kilometers (klicks)

But being a sailor (aviation type), I have always used

1 nautical mile = 1.85 kilometers (klicks)

1 kilometer (klick) = 0.53 nautical miles.

Also, because I rarely (never) had to walk around to get from one place to another while in the navy (unless I wanted to), I have no idea how many steps are in anything. Except how many steps it was from the Runway bar in Olongopo to the monkey meat stand and then to the taxi stand! (to far, esp after many cold San Miguels)



New member
Well, that all depends on the time zone, whether or not daylight savings time is in effect, if you prefer GMT or not, if you prefer 12/24 hour readings, etc.
