How does a pistol work with no extractor?


New member
In anticipation of CCW in Illinois (no I’m not holding my breath) I am looking into purchasing a mouse gun. I currently have a snub nose S&W J frame in .38 special, but I’m more of a semi auto type of guy. I absolutely love my Beretta 92FS so Beretta will more then likely be my choice. After some google surfing and looking around here, I’m thinking the Beretta Alleycat in .32acp may be what I’m looking for. One thing I don’t understand about this little pistol. I saw on a web site that it’s a straight blow back, without an extractor. Call me ignorant, but how does a pistol work with no extractor? Most opinions on the web say the Tomcat / Alleycat are very reliable pistols now that the frame cracking issue has been resolved. But for the life of me, I can’t understand how a pistol without an extractor can be reliable. Any web sites out there explaining this? Thank you.


New member
In a blow-back action, the brass pushes itself out of the chamber in reaction to the high pressure gasses pushing the bullet out the other way, and while it does this, it pushes the slide back. At some point it will hit a stationary ejector to make it bounce off to the side so you don't get a stovepipe, but it doesn't really need anything to pull it out of the chamber unless you are manually unloading the weapon.

In a 1911, the whole slide and barrel recoil together, and then the barrel suddenly stops, the extractor is needed there because once the slide unlocks from the barrel and starts to go back by itself, there aren't any high-pressure gases left to keep the brass case moving out of the chamber.



New member
I think Beretta makes some of the finest mass-production semi-autos on the market, but I wouldn't even think about buying the Tomcat. I haven't seen anything authoritatively convincing regarding the resolution of the frame-cracking issues.


New member
You'll have plenty of time to figure it out because unless Chicago falls into Lake Michigan, IL is not getting concealed carry. Chicago has always thought they know better than the rest of the country and I don't see that changing any time soon.


New member
just purchaseed a TOMcat. As long as the chamber is clean the casings will eject without a problem. Mine sends em flying right over my head. Concider that if a round misfires you HAVE to flip the barrel to access the round. The "flip" may throw it clear. Then Rack the slide. This makes the Tomcat a #2 0r 3 backup for me. Yws there is a known frame cracking issue that is supposed to be fixed in the inox(stainless ) or heavier slide models.
I took the chance because I had the xtra cash; love the look; and have other options to fill any uses I might have for it. ADD: the 32 is a fun round to shoot; costs a LITTLE more than 380 arounnd here.

10mm man

New member
I have a beretta tomcat in .32 which I consider to be an easily carried bug. the inox version does not suffer from the crack issue.


New member
As khegglie has described, if a round in the chamber is a dud, it's a slow process to clear it and chamber another round.
Sometimes, opening the barrel won't do it and a tool is needed to poke it out from the muzzle end.
Same for unloading it.
Probably not the best choice for one's main side arm.
Lots better choices around.
A second or third backup, like a boot gun, maybe.
Not a fan.