How does 32 acp headspace?


New member
I've been running through factory ammo in my p32 and now have enough brass to think about reloading some now but was just wondering if this round headspaces on mouth or rim. That little rim is enough to cause rimlock troubles but I don't know if it is enough to headspace off of but when I was working up squib loads in 32 (near silent shooting under house with lead balls) I noticed that the dies were capable of putting a serious roll crimp on the cases which would prevent headspacing on the mouth like 9mm. Puzzling????

Paul B.

New member
If memory serves, the round headspaces on the rim.In looking through my data, the book PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS by W.H.B. Smith says it headspaces on the rim, so I guess the old brain ain't quite done yet, although my wife says I'm absent minded as all get out when I "forget" to do the "honeydos".
Paul B.


Staff Alumnus
Anybody make a .32 ACP revolver? I'd love to have a little 5 or 6-shot, 5" bl .32 for squirrels and rabbits...
I think you'll find that some pistols headspaced the .32 on the (virtually non-existent) rim, while others did it the saner way and headspaced them on the case mouth.

For some reason I seem to recall the Remington 51 headspacing on the case mouth.

I'm almost 100% certain that Berettas headspaced on the case mouth.


New member
I had a few older w-w 32's that failed to eject and that got me looking at the rims which I noticed were smaller that newer rounds from other companies.


New member

My Nagant functions perfectly; with the .32 acp cylinder.
Excellent indexing and registration.

It's a real "mouse gun"

My grandfather carried it for the Czar before the revolution.
I have the original "Nagant" cylinder but have never fired it wiith the original ammunition. I understand that it is available now but VERY expensive. There are also dies available for reloading the original cartridge using cases reformed (from 32-20 I think).

Chris McDermott

New member
Like the other semi-rimmed cartridges, the chamber can be cut to headspace off the rim or off the case mouth. For a revolver, I would headspace off the rim so you could roll-crimp your ammo and prevent the bullets from coming out due to recoil, for a semi-auto I would use the case mouth like most other semi-auto pistols. (Most semi-auto pistols functionally headspace off the extractor grabbing the case. If you don't believe this cut down a case a tenth of an inch or so but keep the same OAL when seating the bullet and giving it a good taper crimp and it will feed/fire/extract from your gun with no more problems than a proper length case.)