How Do You Tell The Difference Between Large And Small Ring Mausers?


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How Do You Tell The Difference Between Large And Small Ring Mausers?

I have a Czech VZ24, is it a large or small ring Mauser?


New member

Fast/simple - look at the LH side of the receiver.

If it's even from the front @ the barrel, all the way to the rear - it's a Small Ring.

If the front/receiver ring is larger, causing a step down along the side there, it's a Large Ring.

Another way - All Large Ring's (all M98's) cock-on-opening; while most Small Rings cock-on-closing - the exception being Small Ring 98 Mauser's.


James K

Member In Memoriam
The VZ-24 is a large ring Mauser.

The large ring measures 1.41", the small ring 1.30". The difference is from metal added to support the bolt locking lugs. Early (pre-1898) Mausers are small ring; most 1898-type actions are large ring, but there are exceptions.
