How do you grip your Sig?

Big Dave

New member

For the last few months I've only shot a HK P7M8.

Today I brought my Sig P226 to the range and had trouble adjusting to the grip. I'm right handed and found that my right thumb was riding high and in contact with the slide release. So, after the last round the slide would not remain open and it would go back into the fire position.

Has anyone else found this to be an issue with the Sig design?

Does your thumb rest well below the slide release?



Citizen X

New member
Take your standard grip on the frame, middle finger wedged under the trigger guard, and bring your right thumb down to touch the middle finger. Lock it there.
This will be a good one handed firing grip, clear of all the controls, close to the mag release button, but you won't activate it.
For the 2 handed grip, position the weak hand fingers around the gun hand firmly, and place the weak hand left thumbprint over the gun hand's right thumbnail.
Both thumbs will now be locked down, still clear of any controls, still close to the mag release button, but with the solid grip you'll have,you won't be shifting any fingers or thumbs to accidentally activate them.
Lock those thumbs down!


New member
This happened to me the first time out with a P228. Oncce during that session I held the slide release down preventing the slide from locking open. It hasn't happened again since.

I employ the standard two hand grip. Strong hand grasping pistol and weak hand wrapped (NEVER cupped) around it. My strong thumb is turned downward (right below mag release) and weak thum is in same direction holding down strong thumb. Heck, I just described what Citizen X says above. ;)

So many pistols, so little money.

po boy

New member
big dave
you don't GRIP a SIG you caress, fondle,hold lovingly a SIG ;) <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Dave:

For the last few months I've only shot a HK P7M8.

Today I brought my Sig P226 to the range and had trouble adjusting to the grip. I'm right handed and found that my right thumb was riding high and in contact with the slide release. So, after the last round the slide would not remain open and it would go back into the fire position.

Has anyone else found this to be an issue with the Sig design?

Does your thumb rest well below the slide release?

