How do YOU feel about Glocks?

How do you feel about Glocks?

  • I love them! They're PERFECT!

    Votes: 39 10.6%
  • I like them alot & prefer them

    Votes: 94 25.6%
  • They're good guns but I prefer something else

    Votes: 155 42.2%
  • I don't care for them & prefer something else

    Votes: 63 17.2%

    Votes: 16 4.4%

  • Total voters
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New member
So I'm curious about people that HATE Glocks. I don't care if you love them or think they're great guns or even just prefer something else.

If you answered "I HATE GLOCKS" above, please explain why below.


New member
lol, actually no. I know you'll be in one of the top 2 choices but not which one (although I'm seriously hoping it's the 2nd :D ).

Shooter 973

New member
They have the feel of the dart guns I played with when I was a child! Same trigger!:barf:
Beside the fact that there is no pride in owning plastic, they are just about the most Butt Ugly handguns ever made. :(


New member
it's personal taste

I think they are very reliable, tough, no nonsense guns. I just personally don't like the way they look and feel, so I don't own any. I would not steer someone away from a Glock if they like it and can shoot it well. Just not for me.

To the Glockoholics: I'm happy for you that you found the ultimate handgun... for you. I just don't care for them.


New member
I don't really hate them I just don't care for them. I just like raggin on them to stir up the ones that think they're the best thing since smokeless powder.:D


New member
I don't "hate" them, they are good solid guns. However they feel like I'm holding a Big Block Lego. I prefer a Colt or SW pistol.


New member
They're either the most hated or the most loved modern pistols of this era. But they keep chuggin' on to the ire and annoyance of a lot of folks. Glock kool-aid drinkers can be a funny narrow minded bunch (but so are fans of any handgun). They're merely annoying. But Glock haters are the most contrarian and unpleasant folks to be around. Their hatred and bile just oozes off the screen.


New member
They're good guns but I prefer something else

Owned a few over the years....always came back to the 1911's. Still have a G21 I'm holding for my nephew though.

They ain't bad, I just prefer " Steel & Wood". :)
lol, actually no. I know you'll be in one of the top 2 choices but not which one (although I'm seriously hoping it's the 2nd ).

I actually did vote choice number two. lol

My CCW rotation actually consist of the G19, XDSC40 and a Bersa .380. See, I do like other guns!! I still want a G26 soon though!

PS. Do you hear the sound of running feet? Glockeroo will be here shortly. :D


New member
I discribe Glocks as ugly, reliable work horses. They do what they're meant to do and that's shoot. The only thing I don't like about Glocks is the grip angle, which to fix that I have my G19 at BTC getting a grip reduction and 360 degree striple job. (just wish I didn't have wait 4 months for it to get back to me....only 2 1/2 months left. :()

Still prefer my HK's though. ;)


New member
I prefer Glock pistols,most people that say the trigger feels like a toy gun have probably never spent any serious range time shooting glocks!Once you master shooting from the reset ,the Glock trigger rivals a decent 1911 trigger.I think with their simplicity,availability of parts,good combat trigger,reliability,durability,they are the best combat handgun on the market!


New member
They are excellent guns. Accurate enough and very reliable in my experience (ignoring kaboom stories repeated online ad infinitum). However, there are many, many guns I prefer to Glocks. I don't understand why Glock fans take it so personally when somebody says they don't Glocks, or even "I hate Glocks". What's the big deal? Call my SIGs blocky and heavy. I'm cool with it.

The Meatman

New member
I'm one of those on the fence..

I've fired a Glock21 and thats the only one I've ever fired. It beat the crap out of my hand, and it wasn't a nice gun to shoot at all. Keep in mind though, I am used to Medium to large frame revolvers, so I am not your target demographic. I may try out the 19 in a .45 if I can find a single they make one?


New member
I feel confident in the weapon if anyone asked whether I could defend myself with it. So I have respect for the reliabililty.

Always hated the grip angle, box like handle, and terrible trigger feel.


New member
I like Glocks. My 22 is reliable and fun to shoot. Nothing flashy, not the most accurate I guess I'd call it a Chevy. My caddy is my TRP 1911.


New member
I like my Glock 27!

It's the only Glock I own so far and I like it very much! Very reliable and accurate. It is actually my EDC gun. I cross dress it to a Glock 26 with my 9mm conversion barrel and G26 and G19 mags at the range but for carry I use the regular set up loaded with 40 S&W Corbon DPX and Hydra shocks for the spare mags.


New member
I don’t like Glocks, I’ll never own one and I’ll leave it at that. There are far too many other equally good but much more interesting firearms to own.


New member
I hate them. The grip angle is unnatural for me and the one I once owned had a very noticable seam running down the length of the frame that shredded my fingers when shooting it. I shouldn't have to sand down the frame on a pistol myself that is "perfect" out of the box. I only bought it off of a friend as a favor and I sold it after two or three trips to the range.
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