How do I make my KRD mags reliable in my BHP?

Warm Bore

New member
I'm frustrated as all get out.

I have two 17 and two 15 round KRD mags for my BHP and NONE of them will function 100% of the time. Usually on the 5th or 7th round I get an FTF caused by the rounds hanging on the inside face front face of the mag. It's like they've got weak springs or the follower tries to tumble. I've not had one range session where all the mags went error free. I'm nearing the point of selling off the BHP and getting another Kimber. What can I do to make them work?




New member
I've used both 17 and 15 round KRD mags with no problems but I have read of some problems with the metal followers hanging up. Removing the followers and deburring them is the usual cure.
Do you have a factory mag and does it work OK? If so, why not change mag brands instead of guns? You should not have a problem selling the KRD mags.

The Browning Hi-Power Magazine FAQ is located at:

You can find some good information there on mags.


Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. The floorplate simply slides forward and off the gun, but be ready, that spring's not weak and it'll launch into the stratosphere if you let it.

It'll also take some force to push the floorplate off.

It also isn't any easy trick to slide the KRD baseplate off either, you'll need to work at it at first probably. If deburring the follower doesn't work, you can substitute the follower from a post-ban magazine to correct the problem but it will drop the capacity of the magazine by one round in the 17rd. mags.

I'd make sure the spring is seated to the follower correctly for starters. The KRD follower has legs fore and aft and shouldm't be tumbling but it just barely sits on the spring. If someone stuck the spring on backwards the follower would start behaving as you described.

On a different note, I've got one report (my own) out of well over a hundred on KRD mags that indicates some cracking around the feed lips with prolonged use. The mag in question has between 2000 and 4000 rounds of range/IDPA use on it (about 2 years since purchase) and still functions reliably with the cracks. It may be a freak occurence or poor maintenance on my part (though my factory and MecGar mags do just fine with the same treatment) but you might plan on KRD mags having a finite life less than that of factory mags.

Here is the cracked mag, which also shows some battering from the slide.


Here is the magcatch of the same magazine.



Staff Alumnus
I had some friends discuss rhino coating or bear coating the inside of the mags to create a self lubing surface that was rust resistant. I have two of those KRD mags and they don't work for me at all, super tough to load, hanging up mid magazine, suddenly springing up and dumping 10 rounds all over the place etc.


New member
I FINALLY GOT ONE THAT WORKS. I had to go back to Cheaper than Dirt (the outlet store in Ft. Worth TX) 3 times to exchange non functional KRD mags (17 rounders). I guess the 3rd time was the charm for me but I could afford to do that since I live 13 miles from the place I bought them and didn't buy them through the mail directly from CDNN. I can see how it might get expensive if you had to keep paying postage to send mags back and ask for an exchange through the mail and the internet. Good luck what ever you do. John from Dallas
That's strange. I've actually had real good luck with my KRD mags. Some of them need to "wear in" a bit at first; but I carry at least one KRD for defensive use and the KRD in the picture was my primary range mag for IDPA, range use, etc...

I've heard of more serious problems but the only problems I ever encountered were due to the massively strong springs (tough to load initially and would sometimes require a tap on the slide to chamber the first round; but that eventually went away)


New member
I have three 17-round KRD's, and as long as I use rounds loaded close to max OAL, they work fine. Shorter rounds tend to nose-dive, so I just avoid shorter rounds! One of the mags wasn't a reliable feeder at first, until I discovered it allowed the rounds to sit at a different angle than the other two. I close the feed lips slightly, until the rounds sat in the same poistion as the two reliable mags, and now all three are working great. I did deburr/polish the followers, front and rear, and that seems to make them feed and load a little slicker.


New member
just sold my BHP, had it for years, had the same problem when i first got some new mags.
A fix for any mag is to disassemble the mag, and with 400 to 800 grit black sand paper, lightly go over the sides of your follower just enough to smooth out the sides.
next with any kind of oil and the black sand paper lightly go over your spings paying attenion to the outside portion that rides on the wall of the mag, and repeat the same proceedure for the inside of the mag as well. with a light coat of teflon or something simular your mags should work fine.
if you are shooting in matches, or if you are carrying your weapon as your ccw weapon, you must clean your mags every time you get done shooting, or after a couple of weeks being carried loaded.

good shooting and good luck;)
if you are shooting in matches, or if you are carrying your weapon as your ccw weapon, you must clean your mags every time you get done shooting, or after a couple of weeks being carried loaded.

Well, I would have to say that my experience until now with Hi-Power magazines suggests just the opposite. The KRD in that picture actually had the baseplate filled entirely with dirt and powder residue; because I don't clean my magazines EVER unless they stop working.

I have a pretty high round count on my guns and I've got magazines that are 13 years old and have never been cleaned and they continue to function just fine. My own personal concern is that I am more likely to damage the magazines by excessive assembly/disassembly than by failure to clean them.

I guess since I haven't had any problems with not cleaning them I am just being conservative and sticking with what works for me.:)

Warm Bore

New member

First thanks for the help. Got around to taking the 17's apart. Lots of junk in the base plate but the insides of the mag, the spring and the follower were smooth. In both of them. Guess I'll try some different ammo next time.

Tried to get the 15 rounders apart and damn near blew a tube trying to do it. These plates are on there but GOOD!!!

Will try again after my thumbs heal. :eek:

