How do i get the black rings off my cylinders?


New member
i put 100 rounds of +p threw my colt detective special and now its got gun powder everywhere...i cleaned alot off but at the end of the cylinder theres alot of it and it doesnt seem to want to come off...anything special i can use or jst keep scrubing with the gun cleaner i got?


Use a old .38 brush and wrap some 0000 steel fur around it. Use this with your cleaner (scrub, scrub, scrub) to remove the power ring in the chambers.

Anyway, that's what I use.


If you're talking about the black stains that get on the front surface of a revolver cylinder, you can get them off with lead-away cloths or dedicated scrubbing. It won't hurt anything at all to leave it there.


New member
I convinced myself that the little black rings were proof that I enjoyed shooting my revolvers, and no longer try go get them shined up like new. Laziness is the mother of perpetual procrastination and rationalization.


I like to think that anyone who ever sees the front of one of my loaded SD revolvers will be impressed with the black rings as evidence that I've actually practiced with the gun. ;)
+1 on the lead away cloth if it is a stainless gun. I use them all the time and my guns are as clean as a whistle.



I like to think that anyone who ever sees the front of one of my loaded SD revolvers will be impressed with the black rings as evidence that I've actually practiced with the gun.

Those black rings look impressive with 44 or 45 gold dots ;)



New member
As PP said, use the Lead Away cloth if the gun is stainless steel. If it is blue or nickle, you can remove the finish.
I needed to clean my new Ruger .45colt tonight anyway... I figured I might as well take a before and after pic.

These results were obtained by simply rubbing the cylinder with a lead away cloth for about 15 minutes while watching TV tonight.




New member
I use Rem oil and Rem 40X Bore cleaner. I have only used it on stainless guns so I do not know how it would work on bluing. Takes a few minutes only.
I got the stuff from Wal-Mart.
What kind of lead-away cloths do you use? Where do you get them?
I get them at my dealer of at Sportsman's Warehouse. They run about $3 each and can be cut up and used multiple times until they are completely black.



New member
Not to hijack the thread but would a patch cut from a lead away cloth on a jag run down the barrel of a blued rifle hurt?


New member
To make stain removal quicker, apply Shooters Choice Bore Cleaner to metal with old tooth brush before wiping with Lead Away cloth. Really accelerates the stain removal with no long rubbing required. ONLY FOR STAINLESS GUNS. Lead Away cloths may remove bluing finish.

Good shooting and be safe.