How do I get into competition?


New member
i'm 15 years old and my father just purchased a Ruger 22/45 for him and I to use (mostly me, he has a sig p229). I'm really anxious to get into competitive shooting. We live in Vermont and we were wondering if there were any leagues that I could join so I could shoot with opther people my age in a competitive environment.



New member
Please describe where you live. I live in Duxbury, and belong to a shooting club. I have friends who shoot in many different disciplines; Bullseye, Cowboy, 22 Bullseye, etc. I and my wife are IPSC shooters.

Respond and we'll find you someplace to go blasting!

"All my ammo is factory ammo"


New member
We live in essex. We are already part of a shooting club. It's run by the dept. of fish and wildlife.



New member
How about you, your dad, and your gun/gear show up 6:00 Monday night at GOSS COURT NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY in Burlington for some informal IPSC-style shooting?

'Eyes and ears' mandatory.

Check out our club page at

"All my ammo is factory ammo"


New member
tomorow night at six? we'll be there, if he is in the mood for it. Is there an age limit on shooting? What kind of shooting will you be doing, rifle, pistol, trap...???

thanks for the help


[This message has been edited by Bt148 (edited September 26, 1999).]


New member

No age limit (up or down), just safe.


See you there, if not this Monday, then next Monday. Or.........if you really are interested, go to our match on Sunday, October 3rd at 9:00am till 1:00pm, at Lamoille Fish & Game club in Morrisville. Map on our club page.

USPSA has a division for Juniors. Our youngest shooter is eight.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"


New member
I don't think we'll be able to make it tonight, my dad is in boston and my mom isn't into guns at all. Maybe we can shoot with you next week. How much does it cost to shoot with you guys?



New member
Free for a while for newcomers (ain't life grand?), and modest dues/fees after.
Don't worry, it is NOT prohibitive. The most expensive part is ammo!

"All my ammo is factory ammo"


New member
Good, ammo is one thing we have plenty of. My dad just got 14 boxes of 357 sig made by speer for 5 bucks a box. He's looking into a reloading press. 22 is so cheap that just I go through about 1000 rounds a week.
I hope that we get to shoot with you, I need some change other than shooting pepper poppers at 20 yards and standup targets at 7 yards.



New member
Come see us shoot Sunday in Morrisville. Check our club page for map. USPSA/GMPS

Hope to see you there (between 8:30-2:00)

ps Bring your dad.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"