How do I get copper out of my 27?


New member
I cleaned my Smith & Wesson Model 27 today. After finishing I gave it a routine inspection and, to my surprise, discovered a pretty large chunk of copper on the inside of the forcing cone at the 12 o'clock position. It's definitely copper, it's bright and shiny. I tried brushing it out with a bronze brush. No luck, repeated brushing made it shinier but didn't remove it. Then, I tried scraping it out with a dental pick. 1/2 hour's work removed about 10% of it. What's left is sitting there, mocking me, as coppery as ever.

So, what's next? Obviously it isn't going to scrape off like carbon or lead. I've sprayed it thoroughly with some copper removing chemical from Break Free and I'm going to let it sit for an hour or so before I tackle it again. But, if that doesn't work I'm totally stumped. Any suggestions?


New member
I have used the "Montana Extreme" copper fouling remover.It is a ammonia based solvent,potent and odoriferous.Use it in well ventilated area and wear gloves.It may take a couple of applications but it will remove the copper.


New member
I may buy some of that stuff. I was finally able to the coppe out. I let it soak with the Break Free copper remover, then resumed my scraping with a dental pick. After a few minutes the whole nugget broke loose and fell free from the forcing cone. Everything else appears to be spotless.