How do I clean my brushes?


New member
Well after about 10 years, and 10000 rounds through my Marlin model 60, I decided I would strip everything apart and give it a very thorough clean. I'm about halfway through, but my scrubber brushes are dirtier than hell. I tried soaking them in hot water, but that didn't do much. Using a brass one and a softer one (I believe nylon).

Any ideas as to how I can get them clean?


New member
Try Dawn brand dishwashing detergent and a 10 minute soak in hot water. You'll need to rinse thoroughly and let dry.


New member
Don't bother cleaning the nylon one. Every time you retire a toothbrush from dental service, use that for guns. You can use a lighter to melt the handle in different angles also.


Or, for about $1/each, you can buy some new ones. Brass brushes tend to get worn out, especially in the smaller bores fairly quickly.


New member
I second the get new ones suggestion.

But if you must some would say "simple green." If you have to buy the SG you might as well just buy new brushes.


New member
you ready for this?

Brushes don't last long, but if I have one I'm saving to use again I clean it w/ a blast of brake parts cleaner from an aerosol can.


New member
I'm in the pitch it and get new ones camp. Firearms aren't cheap investments and maybe it's just a mental thing with me but I won't clean mine too many times with the same items, I'd rather spend the couple of dollars for new ones and feel all warm and fuzzy. Mine may not be the most expensive or nicest firearms out there but I worked hard for all of them I have so I baby them.


New member
Brake clean spray (from auto store) works great for the brass brushes, but dont use it on the plastic ones. When they get worn, replace them.


New member
Brushes don't last long, but if I have one I'm saving to use again I clean it w/ a blast of brake parts cleaner from an aerosol can.

This is what I do. (I use Gun Scrubber). If the brush isn't all mangled up, just bristles worn, I take the 30 cal. and use it for the 7mm. Worn 7mm brushes get used for .260s, etc. etc. I use brushes early in the cleaning to knock loose stuff out. After that it's patches, solvent, and JB Bore cleaner.