How did I do?

Capt Rick Hiott

New member
I told my self that I was going to kill my first deer with my 454 Taurus Raging Bull this season. Well, I got up in the stand the other day and set up this target at 80 yards. I needed my sand bags to steady the gun, but here is how I did. The scope is set at 30 yards so I had to hold it low "about" 10 inches to get this. I'm pretty sure I can get my first deer with the sand bags and a little more practice. Im shooting the Magtech 260Gr SJSP

Man I love this gun!



New member
I Think that is a great start. With some more practice you will have all three shots within that 6" circle consistently and will be ready for that deer this season. The fun part is the practice.


Grant D

New member
Why is your scope set for 30 yards?.
When I used my S&W Model 629 I had my scope set for one hundred yards,since that's the usual distance when deer hunting.My first day hunting with it I took a 8 point buck at 100 yards.
Is your scope a 2 power?

Capt Rick Hiott

New member
Thanks David. At over 30.00 dollars for a box a box of 20,,,,,there wont be to much practice.....................................Ha-Ha-Ha.

Im thinking the sand bag will do the trick! Ill let you know.

Capt Rick Hiott

New member
Grant,,,,Most of the time Im shooting hogs at about 30 yards freehand.
The scope is a cheap BSA. Its a 2X something,,,But Ill tell you what, It has never give me one bit of problems on this big hand cannon. Ive even dropped it on the scope before........never lost zero.

Grant D

New member
I've got one of their red dots and it has never given me a problem either.
Good luck on the deer hunt this year.
It's a good feelin' to take a deer with a pistol. It takes a lot of practice.


New member
Best practice is regular shooting at handgun metallic silhouette matches.
If you can take a deer with one quick shot [about two seconds ! ] with iron sights and no rest at 50 yds, then you can shoot ! I can still do it as a seasoned citizen ! :p Practice , practice !! :)


New member
Pretty Good CAPT. I use a SRH. 454 I'm good on a milk jug out to 100yds. Had mine a good while now,Took several deer & hogs with it.Mine likes the magtech 260gr. also.Good luck this year.I think you know a bad hit with the casull can make for a UGLY clean up job.:D