How can anyone vote democrat?

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Rail Gun

New member
Written by a man named Phil Brennan.

"How can any African-American – any African-American – ever vote Democrat?

"How can any farmer – any farmer – ever vote Democrat?

"For that matter, how can any parent, any small businessman, any American who owns real property, any American who values his or her constitutional rights, anyone victimized by predatory trial lawyers, any dedicated teacher who wants to teach effectively, just about any American ever vote Democrat.

"Aside from the fact that the Democratic Party is today more of a criminal conspiracy than a political organization, each of those cited above have every reason to despise what has become of the once proud and patriotic Democratic Party – the party that once fought valiantly for immigrants, for the exploited American working man, and against elitist tycoons, bigots and foreign tyrants, but has now become their willing tool.

"I write as a member of a family with roots deep in the Democratic Party. Among my forebears were Democrat party officials, the Democrat leader of the city of Brooklyn, a New York State Supreme Court justice first appointed to the bench by then-Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt – a man he grew to despise as FDR waded ever deeper into the socialist swamp, taking the nation with him, a mid-1860s-1870s New York County comptroller and sheriff, etc. They were Democrats to the core.

"I write today as a member of an extended family whose members abhor a Democratic Party which has betrayed its noble heritage and blackened its name forever.

"How can any practicing Christian vote Democrat?

"How can any practicing Christian vote for a party whose hands are covered with the blood of 40 million unborn victims of abortion – a horror which survives and continues to kill the innocent unborn only because most Democrat officials protect an abortion industry whose supporters contribute vast sums to the party and its candidates.

"The Democratic Party is so deeply committed to protecting those involved in this murderous practice that it once refused to let one of its leading officials, a sitting governor, speak at its national convention simply because he was a dedicated foe of the baby-killing industry and might attack the party's abortion industry supporters from the podium if permitted to air his views before the national TV audience.

"In recent months it has been revealed that the body parts of the victims of partial-birth abortion are being marketed by the abortuaries where this unspeakable crime is committed. Yet every effort, state or national, to block this hideous form of infanticide for profit has been blocked by the Democrat in the White House and his unscrupulous Democrat allies in Congress.

"How can any practicing Christian ever vote Democrat?

"How can any African-American vote Democrat?

"For the better part of the 20th century the Democratic Party has cynically exploited black voters, making promises it never fulfills while supporting policies designed to keep vast numbers of black Americans in poverty and ignorance and in thrall to the party and the big-government leviathan the Democratic Party has created and sustained.

"It has been the shameful policy of the Democratic Party to promote racial discord, setting white against black, while posing as a foe of the very racism from which it hopes to benefit.

"How can any farmer vote Democrat?

"How can any farmer support a party which has put the interests of America's farmers below those of the globalists whose policies are beggaring U.S. growers in favor of foreign agricultural interests.

"How can any parent vote Democrat when that party supports the interests of big government over the rights of parents, or small businessmen who are strangled by government regulations wound around their necks while the tycoons of the elitist multinational companies get favored treatment from the regulators.

"How can any American who cherishes his or her constitutional rights vote Democrat when that party conspires to violate or ignore the restraints placed on government by the Constitution, regularly tramples on the rights of individual citizens, and sets the interests of big government above those of the citizenry.

"How can any dedicated teacher who wants to teach effectively vote Democrat when that party has sold itself to the bloated teachers unions, whose policies have created a national school system which is turning out hordes of functional illiterates ignorant of the most basic forms of knowledge of everything from the English language to their own history and the history of the world.

"How can any American vote Democrat when that party has sold itself lock, stock and barrel to the predatory trial lawyers of America, whose assaults on American industry have cost every American the price of paying the bloated settlements obtained by these legal vultures.

"For 40 years, the Democrats controlled the Congress. During those 40 years Capitol Hill was a nest of thieves, demagogues, power-crazed tyrants and assorted socialist plotters. From the onset of the Roosevelt administration down to the present day, the Democratic Party has become the instrument of a tyrannical and corrupt socialist conspiracy whose policies have reduced Americans to a state of near-subservience to a government which kills the unborn, confiscates much of the earnings of working Americans through unjust taxation designed to buy votes with government programs, makes common cause with dictatorial regimes, bombs the innocent civilians of a sovereign nation in the name of a New World Order, and incinerates children or shoots them in places like Waco and Ruby Ridge.

"How in the name of God can any decent American vote for this party? Ever?"

The American people should be asked these questions over and over again between now and November.


New member
There are some folks who just don't understand who is running that party now. My folks were Democrats but not me. I am not voting for any group of gun grabbers!


New member
Many people vote for certain parties because their parents did and they were raised that way. They don't really know the detail of most of the issues confronting them.

If you look at the American South, the Democrats used to be very dominant. Why? Abrahan Lincoln was a Repulican. He led the war of "Northern Agression" as many see it. Therefore, you see that the South was predominanlty Democrat until a few years ago. Now many in the South have figured out that the Republican party more closely represent their values. It's still hard to break down tradition.

In the West, most Latino's vote Democrat. Why? they have been taught by their so called leaders that the "Rich" cigar smoking Republicans are against them. When in reality, most Latino's ought to be Republicans because the values of the party more closely represent them. The anti imigration thing in the early 90's didn't help Republicans either. I know many Latinos that are very pro-family, anti abortion ( to the extreme) and yet the message has not caught on yet with many of them. Eventually it will.

The fact is, there are far too many people of all races and walks of life who go out and vote and really don't have a clue as to what they are really voting for. They have been told who to vote for by their so called "leaders" and the 30 sec. sound bites they get on TV.

Scott Conklin

New member
I had a discussion with a certain local high profile politician a while back. He and several of his local flunkies, in fact. All "hardcore" Dems. Now remember, this is a small town so there's still a very strong streak of old fashioned values and morality, like most small towns. So anyway I wound up reading them the points of the 1996 DemoncRAT Party Platform(or maybe it was 2000, I forget which I had) and some other policy stuff from the Dems.

They disagreed with over half of it. Vehemently disagreed with some of it. And they had no clue where I was getting this stuff from...until I told them. At that point I thought they were going to slaughter me. :D

The point is that many people still think the Dems are out there backing Joe Average for better wages(which was never strictly the case but at least had some truth to it). They literally have no clue what they are voting for today because they don't listen. They don't care. The Demons were good enough 40 years ago and so they must be good enough now. That and the Dems scare tactics on crap like Social Insekurity.

Think sheep.


New member
Well I've often wondered how anyone--especially poor people, women, nonwhites, and gays--could vote Republican.

Guess it's all a matter of perspective. :)

Marko Kloos

New member
And here I am wondering how anyone with half a brain could vote either Republican or Democrat. Which flavor of Statist thugs would you like to give the opportunity to wipe their butts with the Bill of Rights for the next four years?


New member
Wyld, You don't help poor people by making everyone poor. The socialists have been using the tactic of separating out groups of Americans and lying to them about Republicans.

The current Democrat party promotes Socialism which is 100% anti-America. They also preach, "hate thy neighbor".

Republicans preach a lot of good stuff. Problem is, they don't actually do what they say.

That leaves us pretty much screwed. Just like the settlers in America right before the revolution. People then were much smarter than today and had a lot more spine. I don't think anything is going to change for a long time.

I've voted Republican for 22 years & am now trying to figure out how to better spend my vote. Too bad Bush isn't conservative and more confrontational. Too bad he didn't appoint Alan Keyes to his cabinet.


New member
And here I am wondering how anyone with half a brain could vote either Republican or Democrat.

I was gonna make this point, but deleted it. :)

The fact is, sometimes there just aren't third party candidates, much less 3rd party (some would call it 2nd party) candidates worth voting for.

Dave B

New member
No longer a Democrat, but never a Republican.




New member

Some of you really nailed the problem - ignorance. Most folks are so involved in their day-to-day lives that they're just not paying attention to the issues and merely vote on emotion. :rolleyes:

Christopher II

New member
Why not? Well, mainly because the world is filled with people who need a government to tell them what to do, keep them safe, clean up their messes, and tuck them in at night. That's why not.

BTW, anarchy and 'rule of the powerful' are mutually exclusive. Just so you know. ;)

- Chris


New member
Well I've often wondered how anyone--especially poor people, women, nonwhites, and gays--could vote Republican.

Weren't these the very groups that gave us that pillar of democracy Bill Clintoon?


New member
If everyone who is actually a Libertarian voted that way and petitioned to get Libertarians on the ballot, they would be the majority party.


New member
I am no fan of spinelessrepublicans either. I keep asking my self why I support a political organization that has no definable belief system.

Problem is libertarians have no clue as to how to make it happen.


New member
Same ol' "we're the white knight good guys and you're the dark
evil bad guys" thinking that always gets us into trouble.

Many Republicans will look at Democrats and see only the worst -- the cancerous advocacy of class envy, cyclical gov't dependence, and the ability to pour tax money down more Godforsaken "feel good blissninny" cashsinks than there are gopherholes in this whole desert.

Many Democrats will look at Republicans and see only the worst -- constantly trading back room legislative favors to the captains of industry in exchange for a piece of the action come campaign contribution time, and the ability to pour tax money down more Godforsaken "high tech whizbang killing machines" cashsinks than there are gopherholes in this whole desert.

Both, of course, are right.

of course, the greens are just plain Red, and the LP is outright silly. Our LP candidate for governor of Idaho is holed up in his house, vowing not to come out... seems there's a warrant out for his arrest. And our other feller -- sweet as he is (actually got to meet him the other day) gets press by vowing not to go to DC if elected unless he can bring his machine gun. :p

God I love this state. It's so delightfully absurd.
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Jamie Young

New member
I switched to Democrat here in Pennsylvania so I could vote "twice" against Ed Rendell in the Governors race. Once in the Primaries (For Bob Casey Jr.) and now since Bob Casey lost once move vote for the Republican. Basically I am a Rogue voter. I'm trying to undermine the Democratic party by joining them.:D
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