How are those NEW WASRs???


New member
I know that because of the "barrel ban", WASRs now get new chrome lined Romanian barrels installed here in the US.

How is QC? Can anyone compare to 'older' WASRs which came over the pond WITH the barrel?


New member
I don't know if it is considered new but I've had one for close to 10 yrs and have not had any problems with it. I've put 1000+ rounds through it and can hit what im aiming at.


New member
I bought a new one back in February. It has functioned perfectly. I had two misfeeds out of the first mag, none since (500 + rounds.). Not sure why I had those two, probably my fault not the weapons. As far as accuracy goes it's ok. Pretty true inside 100 yds. Outside 100 not so much, that may de due to the dang wind blowing 20 to 25 mph every time I go to the range. I live in south Texas. High winds are pretty much an every day thing here. Over all I am happy with my wasr.


New member
bosscott, I had the same exact experience as you. got mine back in january. 2 or 3 misfeeds in the first 2 mags, after that nothing. Fired about 200 rounds after perfectly. I wonder if it could be something with the recoil spring working in maybe? dunno. I'm happy. It's not the most accurate ak I've ever shot, but at the price point it's worthy of safe space.