How accurately do you shoot your rifle(AR owners)

How accurately do you shoot without a supported position? No sand bags or anything else. Basically I mean either shooting from a kneeling position, prone, or standing. I have found that with my iron sights I can hit a soda can usually about 6/10 attempts(from a knee) but have just started shooting without extra supports....Distances range from about 70yds to 100yds. If I use my panorama red dot scope I usually can do a little better maybe 8/10. Anywhere under 50yds shooting from a knee or standing I usually don't miss at all(taking my sweet time of course ;) but still proud of that fact). I have't tried shooting prone but believe it will be better than from a knee. What do you guys consider adequate moa for shooting from each of these positions without extra support? Please give the answers in moa....ex my coke can measured 3"long x 4 !/2" tall so I considered that a 4 1/2 " circle at my distances of 50yds or below, 70yds, and 100yds. thanx

PS I think a 5-6 inch moa at 70-100 yds (unsupported and standing)with a 60% hit rate is fine for my Bushmaster M4gery with 14 1/2" barrel and ak brake.....fine for now that is :). If you have a longer or shorter barrel please include the length....


New member
I can shoot prone almost as well as I can off a bench. I'm seldom outside the black in offhand (6 MoA circle). I do a fair amount of offhand dryfiring.



New member
Military M4 I usually shoot between 38 and 40 out of 40 on the qualification range ( with the open sights of course ), when I go home for some much needed leave I will let you know how I do with my civilian model AR.


New member
I wish I had one of those apocryphal wonder rifles that you hear about, you know, the ones that shoot MOA with mil surp ammo right out of the box.

I do my best AR shooting with my old Colt HBAR Heavy Target, with 100 yard groupings right at two inches, maybe a little more, when shooting unsupported. Off the bench, its better.

My newest AR, a Bushmaster XM15 E2s shoots two to three inch groups at 100 yards. From the bench they tighten up a bit. My other 5.56 rifles do about that also.


Since I don't consider my AR clone a range rifle, I'm usually happy with any hit on an eight inch plate between 100-150 yards, graduating down to 50 yards as the time between shots decreases. But then, I'm applying the 'red dot of death' device. ;) All offhand (standing). Kneeling or prone, I expect better accuracy from it than that, of course. It's more precise than I am, in any case.

thats about all I'd expect from my short little barrel.....I really think that shooting "off hand" I am at the limit of my weapon at 15oyds and an 8" plate should be adequate thanx:D

2002gti are all ot these shots "off hand" or off the bench? just checking......


New member
I have a black press-pin thumbtack that I stick on an appropriate wall at eye level. At 18' it appears the same as an NRA Highpower target. Check the chamber empty first.

I am extra critical of my natural point of aim, and I make sure I take the rifle down if it's taking too long to get a shot off. I also call all of my dryfired shots. If you can dryfire 20-30rds 2-3 days a week, you'll see results in short order.



New member
Shooting from prone with AR-15

100 yards open sights, 55 grain IMI military ball ammunition, prone, with a sandbag under the handguards, 5 shots, 1.5-2 inches. Jimmyp

Joe Portale

New member
I'm with Mannlicher. I love the stories of the SKS, AK, an AR15s that can shoot through the same hole @ 300 yards while the operator is standing on his/her head with back to the target sighting vis a mirror. I can put several rounds through the same hole with anything you give me, if you let me shoot enough ammo at it. It will happen eventually by sheer chance.

Most modern military rifles were designed to hit a man sized target out to between 300 and 500 yards. No one ever said hit where. If you can hit a pie plate at 200 yards, you are well withing the design specs of a military rifle.

WIth that said. My XM15 Bushy with a 20" HBAR can do about 1" at 100 yards using my hand loads kneeling. I can do a little better prone or benched. WIth Federal Q1313 or Winchester SS109's that opens to 2"

I built up a Bushmater with a Douglas Heavy Target barrel, put a set of match sights on it and a cheek piece, with this gun it is eay for me to clover leaf at 100 yards using a 69 grainmatch bullet off the bench. Kneeling, maybe a half inch if I do everything right and the Gun Gods are smiling on me that day. Standing, I'm in the 1.5 to 2.0 range. Again, if the gods are favoring me. But this is a serious match rifle. Not something you want to plink with or carry as a battle rattle rifle.

The single most important thing to learn when rifle shooting is trigger control. That is where dry fire practice comes in. The next thing is learning to do everything the same way everytime. When firing under stress, all this target shooting stuff goes out the window.
You guys is da bomb!

seriously I feel like I am not too far off the average shooter.....I like to be better than average at everything I do :) not perfect just better than average.....Basically what I gather from the imfo is if I want to reach out and touch targets with my ar-15(175-300yds/m) then I will require a longer upper atleast 20" to get better velocity and the sight radius of my m4gery does not help at that distance........What do you think is the limit of range for my 14 1/2in m4gery? Is 200yds pushing it because of loss of velocity equaling a loss of accuracy?

Joe Portale

New member

You would be pushing the limit with a 14.5" barrel at 200 yards or better. The M4 is an urban carbine. In other words, it is a close quarters weapon. You see the guys in Iraq engaging BG's with thier M4's on the news. WHat is not shown due to forshortening of the camera lens is most of the BG's are at distances of across the street out to 75 yards. At longer distances the guys with the 20" barrels move up.

Don't take me wrong. You could probably be pretty awesome with that little gun at 200 yards with practice. I use to win a lot of beer by doing 100 yard headshots off hand with a Browning Highpower pistol. But I practiced and used the same ammo for the bet shots as I practiced with (my handloads). I knew just how far above the shiloutte's head to put the muzzle.

If you want to shoot at distances out to 300 yards or better, you don;t need a new rifle. Just buy a 20 or 24" barreled upper. Then you can swap the barrels as you wish.


New member
My Yugo SKS will shoot, from prone/rapid fire, into a 10" circle at 200yds with Wolf ammo. It still shoots to the right though, need to figure out how to adjust the front sight. :( Plenty acurate enough for combat. :)
Joe Portale

I know I just need a longer upper and thanx for the reply.... I just don't know what length now....It would be nice to have 20" like the original 16 and the 24" barrel would seem to be overkill and to long to easily handle shooting off hand how I like to. :confused: So more than likely 20" it shal be and I will call it good, after I build my assault pistol..muwhahahahha(ar pistol with 11 1/2" barrel)

I can wait a little longr and the shorter sight radius on my M4gery at longer distance can only help my accuracy with a longer barrel when I get it.....


With an M4 barrel, the rifle (or more accurately carbine) is still capable of accurate shot placement beyond 150 yds, but the available cartidges ballistic performance begins to suffer. It's a 'shorter' range gun, from a practical use standpoint, in it's intended use. But, as has been noted, a relatively quick upper change will fix this, and give you 'two-fers'. One of the advantages of the AR design.
2002 I am 2/3 of the way there:)

Once my Rock River receiver gets here I will have two ar's(even if one is a pistol ;))and 1 ak and then I can get a "real gun" as some would say.... :rolleyes: I think a Garand/ other big bore milsurp is calling me.... :cool: I wanna hear the ping! And love saying enbloc! :D