How about some pump talk?


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You always here of semi-autos, bolt and lever actions, but not much is said about the pump action. How about some pump talk. Any of you guys use them, how do you like them?


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I have a bunch of pump shotguns, and a lonely Rossi Mod. 61 pump .22 LR... but I'm not much of a pump-action rifle lover... the "lock up" doesn't seem as tight, and the accuracy seems a little spotty, for my liking... thqat is why I have mostly bolt-actions, except in .22, where I am split about even on semi-auto and bolt actions...

Nothing too wrong with pump rifles, but they aren't my thing...


New member
I have a 7600 in .270. Shoots pretty well, about MOA. Stock is a little long tho, may have it cut. Had a 760 in 30-06 that I had the stock cut for me. Made some awesome shots with that rifle, for being a pump. One was a 240 yd one shot kill on a nice buck antelope. It had a very smooth action. Foolishly, I traded it.


New member
have 3 winchester pumps in .22 ,1 is shorts only grandad bought that back in the late 30's early 40's. and a remington 141 in .35 rem. saw a used in good condition 760 in .35 rem with open sights. sadly no extra mags with it.

shot the 141 once the action felt a litttle too tight. no scope on it. and leaving it that way. one of the .22 (s,l,lr model) exterior looks great was refinished before buying. sadly the owner did not have anything done with the bore. so beyond 25 yards it shoots all over the place. how do i like them, enough to not sell or trade them. i plan on passing them on to my kids.


New member
You really never hear much of them because there is never anything wrong with them.

I have had Remington 760's and 7600's. They both are accurate and reliable. I prefer single shots, then bolts, then lever, and lastly pumps but I have to admit that out of all the 760's and 7600's I own and have owned they are by far the most consistent rifles I have shot. Not a single one has ever failed to shoot less than MOA with one factory load or another.

I don’t like the way they look, function, or handle as I am 5'6" and the forend tends to be a little short, but they shoot.



New member
People may not talk about them much on TFL but when I hunt in PA I see a ton of pump action rifles every deer season.

I use a pump shotgun for almost all of my bird hunting and the big plus I find is that you can stay on a moving target while you pump for a faster second shot...that is if you need one like me ;)


I inherited a very nice Remington 760 30-06 that my wife bought her father years ago. He only used it one season as he claimed he couldn't hit anything with it. In reality he just loved his old M55 Winchester 30WCF. I gave the rifle to my son-in-law and man can he shoot beautiful groups with it. He doesn't hunt much but likes to shoot and the results for this rifle are very impressive.
Remington 7600

30-06, gloss finish, pump, free floated barrel, b e a utiful!

I love the rifle. The action takes a bit of functional training, but it never fails to go boom, and mine is a very accurate animal. I have fired sub 1 MOA at will . And did I mention that it is beautiful and works every time?


New member
I have an older 760 in 30-06. Whenever I would hunt where there were other hunters, I would take one of my nicer bolt actions. I was a little embarrassed by the old 760. They have been negatively portrayed for years.

But, whenever I hunted with my sons or, with my good friends, I'd bring the 760. On one invitation hunt at a large hunting camp, my son's had scooped-up on the bolt guns. I was left with the 760. Sure-nuff there was a guy who started ragging on the 760. There was another older guy there who challenged the knucklehead to a little shooting competition. The older guy was gonna shoot MY rifle! The knucklehead had a very nice Model 70 in .270 Weatherby magnum. The old guy beat him like a drum!

Turns out the old guy was a gunsmith and loved the pump-action Remingtons. I now grab the old 760 most of the time. Before, we would never bring the 760 when we went shooting paper. Just thought it couldn't hang with the bolt guns. Actually it hangs with any rifle we have. All 5 of us could shoot MOA with it. I no longer can. Old eyes

The gun is in very good shape. I guess you could say it's not the prettiest gun but, I like it's looks just fine.

P.S. I'm older than the "old guy" above!


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My favorite rifle is my Rem 760 BDL 30-06. However, I seldom use it for hunting because it is so pretty and I'm afraid of getting it scratched. It is every bit as accurate as my Win 70.


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Something you don't see everyday a Savage pump 30-30 that holds 7rds.



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My favorite brother in law shoots a 760 in 30/06, and it's the only deer rifle he owns. It never fails to fire or balks in any way, and regularly shoots just about anything you stuff into the magazine into 1 inch or less. You should have seen his face when I gave him some of the handloads I specifically developed for my 742. They shot cloverleafs and he couldn't believe the groups because all he'd ever shot was factory ammo. He saves his brass now, and I may have to work him up another 100 rounds. The reason you see so many in PA is because that PA is already Obaminized; they don't allow semiautos for big game hunting there.


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I remember seeing some people shoot a pump rifle at the gun club I belonged to. Every time they fired the rifle the action would partially open up. Have steered clear of pump action rifles since then! :eek:


New member
I remember seeing some people shoot a pump rifle at the gun club I belonged to. Every time they fired the rifle the action would partially open up. Have steered clear of pump action rifles since then!


But I'd buy one for rimfire if they didn't cost 2x what a bolt action costs :mad:.


New member
the action should open partially when fired, my shotgun opens. PA isn't *****nized, manually operated firearms and flintlock muzzleloaders have been used to hunt there for years. something along the lines of traditional hunting practices i guess. can't use buckshot for deer there slugs,sabots only but no 3 shot limit like NJ.


New member
I own a pump Remington 760 .270 The gun is amazing my grandpa gave it to my dad when he passed away and ive shot both my deer with it. I just bought a new 30.06 so I wont use it this year but the gun is in perfect condition and I belive it was made in the 60s. Its probly taken 75 deer and 2 moose haha. This gun is awesome and I will have it forever.

Gotta love pump action center fires! something you just dont see everyday


New member
I don't like pumps for the simple reason that I'd rather work the action with my strong hand rather than my support hand. I've never found it easy to keep on target for a fast followup shot when I have to change my positioning to work a pump. Admittedly, I've never needed a followup shot on game, knock on wood.


New member
I have an old 760 in 30-06 mild recoil funny it is less then a Win 30-30 I have, and selling the Savage pump to buy a new Lighting pump rifle in .44mag I missed out on a Timberwolf in .44mag last year but this new Lighting will come with a warrenty so ok.

I got to say I love em, how much you ask? I traded a brand new sks for a used Savage 12 gauge pump with an 18 1/2" bbl. Then I cut an inch off the stock so it would shoulder quicker. Killed two deer with it year before last:)
I also got a 760 Remington in .300 Savage from my step dad :D Ya gotta love kin who give you firearms. This gun he bought brand new in the 60s and it has had less than a box of shells thru it :eek: Man it is a sweet shooter, it has been tapped for a scope but I like the open sights just fine.