How about National CCW Reciprocity? We have Congress and Dubya.

El Rojo

New member
I was just thinking, how great is it that we have a republican house, senate, and president. Will the issue of national CCW reciprocity suddenly get a boost? I would think that would be nice. I don't plan on traveling out of the PRK anytime soon, but if I do, I would like to be able to carry out of the state. Anyone know the situation?


New member
Let's go for broke

Why not just go for Vermont freedom to carry nation wide??
That is what the US Constitution calls for, and they swear to uphold the Constitution!!:mad:
Go for that and maybe we casn end up with something better than we have now.:D
Let's see, since not all states have CCW, then there actually could not be natiional ccw reciprocity. Even if the nation gov't said national CCW was okay with them, the laws in question are state laws and so while national CCW might not be illegal via Federal laws, there still could be violations at the state level where one state does not recognize the CCW of another.