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How About Break Crumbs Flags?


New member
Is there any way of setting up TFL so that you could log in (or set a cookie) that would highlight all the threads that you have posted to? Sometimes I foget where I've been participating.


Staff Emeritus

You think *you* got it tough? Wait 'till your MY age!

Why I remember a time some forty years ago that I and the preacher's daughter ... um,

What was the question again?

OH! How to remember where you spoke!

About the only way *I* can remember is to ask my wife. She uses the search feature (up at the top of each thread) to find every post I made in that forum. She even selects the time period she wants so I don't have to wait so long (or I'd fergit what I wanted to say, ya know!).

Gotta search on each forum, tho. So she writes down which forums I done spoke in.

Maybe some young computer whiz-bang has a better way.

((My wife's pretty good at it, tho!! Preacher's daughter wasn't all that good lookin' anyways.... ;) ))


New member
Only thing I got shorter than my memory is my,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gun fund ;)

Just set a unique phrase or a deliberate misspelling in either your post or your sig. That way you can use the search function to find the threads in the particular forum(s).
:eek: And all this time you folks though I were just a bad speller ;)

[This message has been edited by RAE (edited April 29, 2000).]


Staff Emeritus
To find all your previous threads:

1) Leave “Search words” blank.
2) You must search each forum individually, (eg General Discussion Forum)
3) Search in “Subject only” (to reduce search time)
4) Search date should be “yesterday” or “5 days ago” (to reduce search time)
5) Search on your own User Name (exact name)

And, for the searched forum, you quickly see a list of every thread in which you posted.

Y’all correct me if there’s a quicker, shorter way, ok?


New member
That all seems like alot of work. If the thing can figure out when the last time I was here and put up a red or yellow folder or a bullseye or bullet hole it ought to be able to figure out which threads I've posted to and turn those blue. Or maybe be there could be another button like the "active thread" one that you punch, it asks you to log in then spools up everything within some time frame.


How about using a folder like this (
) to indicate that you posted something there and a folder like this (
) to indicate that somebody posted something after you -- the moving flames would easily catch your eye.

[This message has been edited by FUD (edited May 01, 2000).]