How A Box Of Ammo Cost An Acquaintance Over $5,000


New member
I work at a shop that does free transfers, so, we get A LOT of transfers in and get to see a lot of interesting stuff coming through. There is a customer that comes in that has really been bitten by the revolver bug and he gets his guns transferred to us so he can pick them up. He was on a Smith & Wesson kick for a while, but has switched to something different the last couple of times he's been in.

He told me that he was in Wally World a while back picking up a few things and stopped by the gun counter to look for some ammo and asked for some .45. He meant .45 acp but was given a box of .45 Colt instead. He didn't want to bother with trying to return it, so, he started looking into guns that fired .45 Colt. And, boy, did he land on some nice stuff. He ended buying a 1966 Colt SAA, a 1968 Colt SAA and a new Colt SAA. All were beautiful guns by the way. I laughed and said, "An unintended ammo purchase that cost you $5,000", and he said, "It cost me more than that." When he left I told him to be more careful with his ammo purchase from now on.
Nice! I had a S&W 1917 in college that I loved, but I hated using moon clips. I sold it off at some point.

Years later, I was driving through the Shenandoah. I stopped at a gas station/hardware/tackle shop, and I noticed a stack of Remington .45 Auto Rim in the display cabinet. It was $5/box.

I began to ask the shopkeeper if that price was correct, and he barked, "yes, and I'm not going down any further!" OK. Fine. No problem. No problem at all.

The only problem was, I didn't have a gun for it. I rectified that by buying a 625. ;)


New member
Eh, what?
You do free transfers, the guy buys over 5K worth of guns from someone else, and buys his ammo from somewhere else and he's still invited back?
I must be missing something, here.


New member
I understand his motivation,,,

I understand his motivation,,,
Several years ago I was given a S&W 629,,,
Along with the revolver came several boxes of ammo.

Four boxes of that ammo was .44 Special,,,
That was my justification to adopt a Charter Bulldog. :D




New member
Eh, what?You do free transfers,

Well, don't get me started on what I think about that. This particular guy did buy a couple of boxes of ammo with the last transfer and will buy a gun from us if we have something he is interested in. 95% of the others never spend a dime.


New member
Did something similar on a much smaller scale. I bought a sharkskin mag pouch on sale from Wilson Combat. Of course, I had to buy a sharkskin holster from somebody else (at full price). Those necessitated a black elephant skin belt (at full price). On the bright side, I finally understood some of my wife's buying habits (build the outfit around the shoes):
