Hottest standard large rifle primer


New member
In my Lyamn's manual it shows Winchester as the hottest, CCI 200 and Federal 210/210M in the middle, and Remington 9 1/2 as the mildest. They based those finding on308 win. test load where they only changed primers.
Does your experiances agree with Lyman's findings?


New member
If you use extruded powders, you can get by with a milder primer because the grains of powder have space around them allowing the flash to swirl a bit and ignite the powder easier. Most (but not all) ball powders benefit from a hotter primer because the flame column doesn't swirl around the grains. The Federal primers are supposed to be the hottest. SAAMI SHOULD make a list of the brisance of currently available primers, but they don't. Probably the only way to get a list would be to contact the BATFE. They would know if anyone does, but getting the list might prove to be problematic.


New member
I'm not interested in "hottest" which is a pretty much meaningless term. I'm interested in "most consistent" which will yield the most uniform ignition across a number of rounds. After all, accuracy is all about getting several bullets to hit the same target in the same place.

Primers that all contain the same amount of stryphate, that have anvils set to the same depth,,,,,etc do something for accuracy.

After trying all the brands over a lot of rounds and a lot of years, for general use I use Federal standard primers. For match rounds I use their gold medal primers and yes, I do weigh each and every match primer.