Hot sticky powder coated bullets // ensuring the smooth coating process

Recycled bullet

New member
Or!! How to avoid bullets sticking altogether, permanently.

For this tutorial I'm using Patented Ultimate Chrome Version 2 from Powder by the Pound.

There are many different powders that can be used for tumble coating bullets. I've also very successfully used Eastwood Ford light blue, Lime green and ultimate gloss clear.

Soon I'll try PBP's clear, super wet clear, and their version of Ford light blue.

They will all get coated the same way.

Set the toaster to pre-heat to an oven thermometer verified 400°F.

Put the hundreds of clean freshly cast hollow pointed bullets into the very large #5 polypropylene square box from the supermarket,

and add powder coat powder using a teaspoon or 5 ml measuring spoon to cover the top layer of bullets. Put the lid on tightly and swirl in your hands, in front of your chest, for thirty seconds. Do not breathe any of this dust make sure the lid is on properly!!!

I prefer there is be a small amount of loose powder at the bottom of the plastic box after tumbling,

and I can see all the bullets are now properly saturated with powder, they look fuzzy and evenly coated in your powder paint of choice.

I put the hard ware cloth basket on top of an open clean pizza box to catch any spillage and make clean up easy.

Dump the uncured coated bullets into a hard ware cloth basket you made from 1/4" grid and spread them out to one layer deep. The excess powder falls through the grid.

I like to use a clean ball point pen or the same powder spoon and spread them out making sure it's only one layer in depth and evenly spread out.

For my results//A small amount of powder is wasted. It's ok. I can still coat thousands of bullets with one pound of powder. I Never recycle powder back into the main supply to prevent humidity or any other contamination from ruining my powder.

Put the basket tray with bullets in the oven and watch through the door for the paint powder to "flash" (become shiny from heat) and start the timer then. I always cook for at least twenty minutes and if it's a big batch thirty is better.

When the cooking and curing time is up put on the super clean leather gloves, take the tray and dump all the hot powder coated bullets into a clean large cardboard box in a big pile. The box is at least one cubic foot.

All the seams inside the box have been taped with painters masking tape to prevent bullets getting stuck inside the flaps.

Use your gloved fingers and roll the bullets around in the box and find for any that are stuck together
And break up clumps of stuck together bullets as they cool.

After only a couple minutes they won't stick together anymore and once cooled enough to touch with bare fingers I get ready for sizing the bullets.