Host of Mayors against illegal guns conference arrested

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Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon hosted 16 mayors and city representatives from 7 states at a regional violence reduction summit where the coalition announced plans to share crime gun data in the Mid-Atlantic region. At the conference, mayors discussed the escalating crime trends and the costs of gun violence and other strategies to reduce violent crime, including intelligence gathering.

Now she was charged today with 12 counts of felony theft, perjury, fraud and misconduct in office, becoming the city's first sitting mayor to be criminally indicted.

Another anti gun politician bites the dust. Here is a list of the other mayors at the MAIG conference:

Mayor Sheila Dixon (Host) Baltimore, MD
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg New York, NY
Mayor Douglas H. Palmer Trenton, NJ
Mayor Jerramiah Healy Jersey City, NJ
Mayor James M. Baker Wilmington, DE
Mayor J. Richard Gray Lancaster, PA
Mayor Tom McMahon Reading, PA
Mayor Ellen Moyer Annapolis, MD
Mayor John S. Brenner York, PA
Mayor Carleton E. Carey, Sr. Dover, DE

Cities Sending Other Representatives:
Jacksonville, FL
Camden, NJ
Philadelphia, PA
Newark, NJ
Towson, MD
Boston, MA

How many more will go to jail?
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